Here we go again (10th doctor and jack harkness)

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"Doctor!" I yelled as I raced towards the TARDIS.

"(Y/N)!" U heard as the TARDIS doors opened and a brown mess of hair poked out. His face lit up when he saw me. The Doctor stepped out of the TARDIS and stumbled back when I hit him full force.

"It's good to see you Doctor." I said as I hugged him tightly. I could feel his face in my hair and smiled widely.

"It's good to see you too (Y/N). We've missed you." The Doctor said. I pulled back to look at him.

"We?" I asked. He nodded. "Are you talking about the TARDIS?" The Doctor's smile widened as my eyes went wide and I stepped inside the TARDIS.

"JACK!" I yelled as I ran to the man standing at the console.

"(Y/N)!" He laughed as he hugged me tightly. I could see the Doctor step into the TARDIS. I pulled away from Jack and held my arm open to the Doctor.

"Come here Doctor." I said. The Doctor smiled and crossed the console room to group hug me and Jack. "I've missed you boys." I said as I could feel tears in my eyes. I could feel both sets of arms tighten around me.

"The gang's all together again!" Jack said. "No time for tears." I laughed and nodded up at him as I wiped my eyes.

"You're right. Where are we going Doctor?" I asked. The Doctor smiled and started flipping switches on the console.

"Anywhere you want to go." He said with a wink. I smiled.

"How about Woodstock? We haven't been there yet."

Jack nodded. "Let's go to Woodstock." He agreed. The Doctor laughed.

"Woodstock it is." He said, flipping another switch. "Allons-y!"

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