Billie Joe Armstrong 1

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My phone rang and I looked over at it as I pulled an earbud out of my ear. I picked it up without looking at it.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Love?" The familiar voice said. I smiled instantly.

"Billie!" I cried. "How are you?!"

"I'm good love but could you please put your face in front of the screen?" Billie asked. I frowned, confused but did as he asked anyway. I laughed as I saw him staring at his screen just as confused as I was. "Hi!"

"Hi. What'd you do? I thought you were going to call." I said with a smile. I wasn't complaining. It was nice to see him while he was on tour and I was stuck at home. Stupid jobs.

"I was but I pushed a button. I'll never understand this shit." Billie said. I bit my lip to stop from giggling.

"You'll get the hang of it eventually sweetie." I said. Billie shrugged and looked at something off screen. "Huh?" He listened to what someone was saying. It sounded like mike but the voice was too quiet for me to be sure. "Yeah I'll tell her mike. Now get out." Billie pointed somewhere off screen and when his hand fell again I heard it hit a guitar.

"What did mike want?" I asked. Billie smiled at me and I couldn't help but smile back.

"He wanted me to tell you that he misses you and he wishes you were here to keep me in order so he didn't have to do it." Billie said. I rolled my eyes.

"Sure. He does know he'd have to keep both of us in order right?" I asked. Billie laughed and I quickly took a screenshot of him.

"That's what I keep telling him." Billie said. His laughter settled down and he gazed at me through the screen. "So how you been? It feels like I haven't seen or talked to you in ages."

"I've been good. Missing you of course but don't I when you are on tour?" I sighed. "How about you?" I knew what he could do when unchecked.

"I've been good. Like I said mikes been keeping an eye on me. He won't let anything happen to me (y/n)." He reassured me. I nodded. "God I miss you." I smiled sadly at him.

"I miss you too beej. Come home soon." I said. He nodded.

"I'll try. I'll be back home soon. Then you can come on tour with us right?" Billie asked hopefully. I nodded. "Good."

We sat in comfortable silence for a while, me taking screenshots of him while he sat there and thought.

"What you thinking about?" I asked. Billie chuckled.

"What makes you think I'm thinking about something?" He asked.

"Well one you just answered a question with a question and two you always think about something when we stop talking and just stare at each other." I said. Billie smirked.

"You know me so well." He teased.

"I should. How long have I known you now? Almost 30 years?" I teased back.

"That long already? Damn." Billie muttered. I smiled as he locked eyes with me. "Seems like it was just yesterday I asked you out. Thirty years. Damn I'm old." I laughed.

"That would make me old too beej." I said. Billie smiled again.

"Yeah but you look good." He said. I blushed. "I love you."

"I love you too." I responded.

"No you asked what I was thinking about. I was thinking about how much I love you. And how I can't imagine a life without you." Billie said. I smiled at him. He patted the guitar. "Uh I don't know if you've heard it but tre was playing that new Bon jovi album and I heard a few songs I liked and I knew you'd love. I learned two. Wanna hear them?" I nodded.

"Of course. I've heard the album and I love it. Too hear you play some would be perfect." I said with a smile. Billie smiled and started to strum.

"Uh so I learned this house isn't for sale." He said and started to sing it. He finished and I smiled.

"That was great. I loved it." I said. Billie nodded.

"I also learned living with a ghost." He said as he started the song. I smiled as I watched him perform just for me. He finished and looked at me. I smiled at him.

"I love you Billie Joe Armstrong." I said.

"I love you too (f/n)." Billie said back with a big grin on his face.

An: (f/n) is full name. I love the screenshots from his live streams. I love them to death. Plus if u haven't heard those two songs I mentioned they r real songs by Bon jovi and they r really good. Billie Joe hasn't actually played them but they r on YouTube if u wanna listen to them. Enjoy.

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