Billie Joe Armstrong 3

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"You fucking prick!" I screamed. His jaw clenched and his fingers curled into fists. "You just don't get it do you?"

"Get what? Do enlighten me (y/n)." My boyfriend, Billie, said through clenched teeth.

"You are only here for so long and then you leave to go on fucking tour again! And when I come home to see you, there is another fucking girl in the house and you completely ignore me after just so you can talk to fucking mike and tre. Two guys who need I remind you you literally just saw this morning! Are you that fucking dumb or do you honestly think I am?" I yelled. I dug my nails into my palm. I was not going to cry. If anything, I was going to through him out. Even if it killed me to do it.

"You fucking bitch." Billie spat.

"What the...." I started but he cut me off. His temper was loose now and there wasn't anything that could stop it.

"Shut the fuck up and listen!" He yelled. My eyes went wide and my nails dug into my palm so much I was sure there's be blood. "That girl was from the fucking label. She came over to tell me that I could bring you with when we go back on tour. If I wanted to." His voice cut into me. I bit the inside of my lip to keep my mouth shut and to stop the tears I knew would start soon. "And I called mike and tre to see if it was ok with them and to tell them if they wanted to bring their girlfriends with that I was ok with it. But now it looks like I'll be fucking alone as fucking always so who gives a fuck anymore!" Billie was breathing heavily. His eyes were dark and hard. I swallowed hard and tried to think of something to say. Anything to respond to him. But my mind was blank. "Just what I fucking thought. You have no fucking answer whatsoever to that do you? Of course you don't." He threw up his hands and walked towards the door.

"Billie..." I said, following him. He turned to face me but I was at a loss for words again. His hard eyes softened a little but he shook his head and turned back to the door. I could feel the tear roll down my face and knew he had seen it.

"Have a nice life (y/n). I can't take this fucking shit anymore." He said bitterly and walked out the door. My eyes widened and I stood staring at the door in shock.

He left. He just walked out the door and left. That was it. Billie Joe Armstrong the love of my fucking life had just walked out of it without so much as a second glance. I made it as far as our room before I broke. I just fell to the floor and sobbed. I didn't try to stop it. It was a few hours before I managed to calm down. I sat and stared at our closet and pulled one of Billie's hoodies towards me. I held it close and eventually put it on.

I slept on the floor that night and for most of the week. I didn't move if I was being honest. I just couldn't handle it. Life without Billie wasn't really life at all. Mike came by and tried to call and I think tre did too but I wouldn't get up to let them in or even answer the phone. I just wanted Billie.

I had been a week since Billie left and I had finally gotten up and eaten a little bit. I still wore billies hoodie which would probably need to be washed before he came to get his things. I tried not to cry at that thought but it seemed like I was all cried out.

I was making tea when I heard the front door open and footsteps. I could care less if it was someone coming to kill me. I didn't really have a life without Billie. I didn't even flinch when the steps stopped in the kitchen.

"Oh (y/n)." I heard and I was so glad my cup was on the counter or I'd have to pick up shards of glass from the floor. I spun around quickly and sobbed at the sight before me.

Billies blonde hair was a mess and he looked like he hadn't slept in days. He was thinner than I remembered but I figured I was too. He looked like hell. Billie was holding a bouquet of pink roses ties with a pink ribbon in his hands.

"I'm so so so sorry. For everything I said to you. All the names I called you. Everything that made you cry and feel hurt. I never want to hurt you ever again. The second I walked out that door I wanted to walk right back in and hug you and kiss you and fix everything but I was so mad and I was afraid I'd do something to you. I don't want to hurt you. I love you (y/n). I love you." Billie had started to cry and he had moved closer to me during his little speech.

He just about collapsed next to our island in the kitchen and I rushed to hold him up. He weighted more than I could lift though so we both ended up on our knees in the middle of our kitchen. Billie just kept repeating how he loved me and wrapped his arms around me, the roses long forgotten on the island. He buried his head in my neck and I held him close while running my fingers through his messy hair. He finally looked up at me with red eyes and tears still making their way down his face.

"I don't expect you to forgive me. But I do love you and I am sorry." Billie said, his voice cracking.

"Oh Billie." I sighed and kissed him gently. "It's been hell without you. I can't live with you sometimes but I sure as hell cant live without you. Of course I forgive you. I love you too." I said. His eyes lit up a little and he held me tightly. I buried my face in his chest and smiled widely. His fingers tangled in my hair and he let out an airy laugh.

"You look like shit." He said. I pulled away from him and smiled.

"You don't look much better mister." I teased. Billie smiled at me for a second then winked.

"Then how bout we solve this with a shower?" He said. I laughed and kissed his cheek.

"What you waiting for then?" I said as I stood up and started to walk up the stairs.

"Oh I've been waiting a long time." He said as he came towards me. I winked at him and motioned for him to follow me. I had no doubt in my mind that he would.

He would follow me to the end of the world if he had to but it didn't matter cuz I'd have him and he'd have me.

A/n: never write while listening to st jimmy. It just makes everything.......interesting. Never mind what I listen to while I write. Hope you all enjoyed this one.

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