meeting the parents

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"Nervous love?" Matt asked as he rubbed my back. I took a deep breath.

"Yeah. I mean it's only my parents. Not like I haven't seen them everyday since birth." I said with a nervous laugh. Matt smiled.

"You're right. It's only your parents. If anyone should be nervous it's me." He said as he kissed my temple. "First official meeting. Nothing to be worried about." The last comment seemed to be directed at himself. I pulled him closer and rested my chin on his chest. Matt seemed to snap out of his thoughts and looked down at me. "What is it love?"

"Nothing." I said with a smile. Matt tilted his head. "Just you being you. And overthinking everything." Matt pursed his lips and looked away. I giggled and gently squeezed his waist to get his attention. "Don't worry about it. My parents asked to meet you so here we are. You and I both know they like you so just be yourself." Matt smirked down at me. "OK be the Matt I fell in love with and everything will be fine." I leaned up and gave him a kiss. "Trust me?" I breathed against his lips.

"I trust you." Matt said as he kissed me again. We broke apart when he heard someone.

"Mphm." Matt and I pulled away from each other. Matt rubbed the back of his neck.

"Sorry." I said with a blush. My mom smiled at us and shook her head.

"Don't apologize." She said. Matt and I looked at each other sheepishly. "Just pay better attention."

"Will do mom." I said. "Good to see you again. Dad downstairs?" I hugged my mom and ushered Matt into the house. I was paying attention to getting Matt into the house and didn't realize my dad was right in front of me. I almost walked into him. "Never mind. Found him." I smiled and gave him a hug as well.

"Good to see you too (Y/N)." My mom said as she locked the door. Matt stood awkwardly to the side as I greeted my parents.

"You remember Matt." I said as I moved to stand next to Matt. "Matt, this is mmy mom and dad." I blushed again. "And you all already know each other. Forgot about that." I rubbed the back of my neck and Matt gently grabbed my hand. He gave my hand a squeeze and stuck his other hand out to my dad.

"Nice to see you both again." Matt said with a smile.

"Nice to see you too Matt." My dad said as he shook Matt's hand.

"(Y/N), would you come help me with dinner?" My mom asked. I nodded and leaned up to kiss Matt's cheek.

"Behave." I whispered as I moved past my dad. He raised an eyebrow at me. I gave him a look and moved my finger between the two. "I mean it. Behave." Matt gave me a look. "Both of you." Matt rolled his eyes and turned his attention back to my dad. They struck up a conversation as I left the room. "So you needed my help?" I asked my mom. She smiled and I shook my head.

"Not really. Just needed an excuse to talk to you without Matt. Even though I do love his accent." She said. I rolled my eyes and hopped up on the counter like I had when I was younger. My mom gave me a look and I shrugged.

"So what you wanna talk about?" I asked as I picked up the magazine that we never really figured out how we got. I started to flip through it as I waited for my mom to start the conversation. When she didn't say anything I looked back up. Matt and my dad had walked into the room. Matt looked between me and my mom with a raised eyebrow. I shrugged again and went back to my magazine.

"Everything okay?" My dad asked. I nodded as I looked at a page in the magazine.

"Yep. All good." My mom said with a nod towards me. "Some things never change." I smiled and flipped the page.

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