Max Taber Request

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Requested by maxwelltaberssock on tumblr

AN: Thanks for this opportunity! I loved being able to write this! Hope you enjoy!

I sat on the bus next to (Y/N), silently trying to keep my cool. There was no way that she/he could tell how nervous I was but I was slowly heading towards panic. Life always has a funny way of screwing you over. Stuck in a mental institution and yet the love of my life walks in the door, stuck there with me. But (Y/N) doesn't know that she/he is the love of my life. And if Nurse Ratched had her way, (Y/N) would never know. Today might just be my chance since she wasn't coming along with us on this day trip.

"What's taking so long?" (Y/N) asked as we waited for the bus driver to get back on the bus. I shrugged and looked out the window, slightly leaning in front of her/him in order to do so.

"Maybe he got stuck in the john." I joked. "Or worse, he's flirting with Ratched." (Y/N) made a face before bursting out laughing and I smiled at being the one to make her/him do that. As I looked at (Y/N) out of the corner of my eye, I noticed MacMurphy running towards the bus. I followed his movements and sat back. My smile dropped and my eyes widened as he got on the bus with us. "What is he doing?" I drew attention to him as (Y/N) noticed MacMurphy. She/he turned around in the seat to look at Billy.

"Do you know what he's doing?" Billy shook his head and looked between the two of us.

"H-he's g-g-going t-to g-get us in t-t-trouble." Billy whispered, clearly nervous about what would happen to the rest of us that MacMurphy dragged on his little joyride. MacMurphy started the bus and started driving. We watched the town go by as MacMurphy seemed to take us to the edge of the town. We sat waiting for him as he went to a trailer after parking the bus. I looked over at (Y/N) as we waited.

"What do you think is going to happen?" I asked. (Y/N) looked at me and shrugged. I could see the nerves clearly on her/his face.

"I don't know Taber." (Y/N) shook her/his head. "I just hope there isn't too much trouble for us when we get back to the institution." She/he leaned towards me and wrapped her/his arms around my waist. I put my arms around her/his shoulders and rested my chin on top of her/his head.

"Let's pin it on him." I suggested. "It wouldn't be that hard." (Y/N) nodded into my chest and I silently hoped she/he couldn't feel my heart beating erratically. (Y/N) pulled back just as MacMurphy came back on the bus with a girl that looked like a hooker.

"Everyone, this is Candy. Candy this is everyone." MacMurphy said.

"Hi." Candy said. I furrowed my eyebrows as I took in her appearance. I shook my head before looking back at (Y/N), noticing how she/he was looking at me. I raised my eyebrows and stuck out my tongue, hoping to get a laugh out of (Y/N). I smiled again as I succeeded. The smile stayed on my face as MacMurphy started driving us somewhere as I noticed that (Y/N) still had her/his arms around me and her/his head was still leaning against my chest. We watched the scenery pass by and (Y/N) lifted her/his head as the trees gave way to water.

"What is he doing?" (Y/N) asked excitedly. "Is he seriously going to get us a boat?" She/he looked up at me excitedly from her/his position leaning against me. I shrugged as she/he turned to look out the window at the passing water. "Mac!" She/he called up the bus.

"What is it (Y/N)?" MacMurphy called back, clearly annoyed at having to answer any questions.

"Are you taking us on a boat?" (Y/N) called out. I could practically feel her/him vibrate with excitement at the prospect of being on the water.

"Better." MacMurphy called over his shoulder. "Now quit asking questions." (Y/N) sagged against me and I tightened my hold on her/him.

"How much better could it be than being on a boat?"(Y/N) muttered against me. I rubbed her/his back in sympathy.

"If he doesn't get a boat, I'll get you one." I promised. (Y/N) looked up at me with shining eyes and I felt like my heart cracked a little.

"Seriously Taber?" She/he asked. I felt my heart further crack at the voice she/he gave me. I nodded and squeezed her/his shoulders.

"I'm dead serious." I smiled at her/him. "I'd do anything for you. You should know this by now." (Y/N) beamed up at me. She/he settled back against me for the remainder of the ride MacMurphy had taken us on. When we parked, he ushered us off the bus and down the pier. (Y/N) kept looking at me, growing more and more excited as MacMurphy led us down the row of boats. He seemed to finally pick one and (Y/N) was the first one on. She/he scrambled up to the roof of the cabin and started throwing down lifejackets as everyone else clambered on. I ignored mine and helped Martini get his on. (Y/N) jumped back down and I caught her/him when she/he stumbled. After grinning at me, she/he moved on to help some of the others put their jackets on correctly. Everyone turned around as MacMurphy attempted to explain why we were on the boat.

"Do you think he's going to get us caught?" (Y/N) whispered to me as she/he slowly went over the side to take the rope off of the dock. I shook my head as I watched her/him.

"I doubt it." I whispered back. I jolted as she/he slipped. My hand shot out and gripped the back of her/his shirt as she/he got her/his footing back. (Y/N) sent me a grateful smile as she/he clambered back over the side. MacMurphy dictated someone to get the other rope so I followed (Y/N) to the front of the boat. She/he ignored MacMurphy completely and waved me over.

"Fishing is fun sure," (Y/N) smiled at me. "But watching the water as you sail is so much more fun." She/he gazed out at the water with a content smile on her/his face. I felt my heart swell at the look. Looking around me, I noticed everyone else was preoccupied with MacMurphy. I smiled at the site of Billy attempting to talk to Candy. He looked over and gave me a small smile. I smiled back and turned my attention back to (Y/N).

"(Y/N)?" I asked nervously. She/he looked at me expectantly. "There's something I wanna talk to you about."

"What's up Taber?" I swallowed the lump in my throat and I rubbed my hands against my pant legs.

"I really like you." I blurted out. (Y/N) smiled at me. "Like a lot."

"I know Max." She/he said quietly. (Y/N) reached for my hand which I readily gave up. "I like you too. I thought it was fairly obvious." I let her/him tug me closer and wrap her/his arms around my waist. Snapping out of my shock at her/his head settling against my chest, I wrapped my arms around her/his shoulders.

"It was that obvious?" I whispered into her/his hair. I felt her/him nod as my smile grew.

"A little bit." Her/his answer was muffled by my shirt and I laughed. "But luckily I like you too so it was just a matter of who was going to say something first."

"Well I'm glad I got the chance to tell you." I whispered. (Y/N) pulled back and smiled up at me.

"I am too." She/he said.

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