The Animus (Jeremy Irons Assassins Creed)

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AN: So this is my first attempt at writing for Alan Rikkin. I did not do as well as I wanted to but nonetheless I am sharing it. I have spent nearly a month on this and it isn't going to get any better at this point. But that doesn't matter as I will keep trying and eventually I will get to where I want to be.

I held my head high as I walked through the headquarters to the gardens. Being a Templar often meant I was under a microscope but dating one of the high ranking Templars put a whole new layer of watchfulness on me. I was not stopped as I reached the door to the garden but I was once I put my hand on the door.

"What do you think you are doing?" a guard asked me. I resisted the urge to roll my eyes.

"I am going to see Alan Rikkin. We are dating." I said. The guard looked at me awkwardly as I continued on, blunt as always. "Aside from that we are working on something that is going to further our search for the Apple so if you don't mind, I am going to discuss that project with him." The guard bowed and quickly let me through. I rolled my eyes once the door closed behind me and set off to find my boyfriend. I quickly found him and took my place next to him. We stood in silence for a while even though I knew that he was aware of my presence. We looked out at the scene in front of us and a small smile broke out on my face when I felt him gently wrap his pinkie around mine.

"What are you doing out here my love?" Alan asked. He looked over at me with a sad look in his eyes.

"Checking on you. I heard the news." I said as I leaned into his arm. Alan moved so I was tucked into his side. He sighed and pulled me slightly closer. "I also have news of my own."

"What would that be my love?" He asked. I noticed the look in his eyes.

"We have gotten the funding for the experiment." I squeezed his bicep and grinned at him. "We can start construction on the Animus!" Alan turned towards me, a blank look passing over his face.

"You're joking." He said. I shook my head, my smile growing. "You cannot be serious. Not after losing my elder position. They wouldn't give us the funding if they did that." I nodded as I slowly walked towards Alan who was backing away from me.

"My love, it is true. We have the funding. And I have even better news." I finally reached him and gently took his hands.

"What is it?" He whispered. It looked like he was going to faint or collapse.

"We found a direct descendant from Agular." I whispered as I reached up to cup his cheek. Alan pitched forward and wrapped his arms around me.

"You cannot be serious. You are joking. This isn't true." Alan's shaky voice rang in my ears. "This is a dream. It is not really happening." I laughed and hugged him tightly, making sure that he was still standing.

"This is real Alan. I swear. We will build the Animus and we will bring in this descendant. We will find the Apple." I was close to tears and I could tell Alan was too. He leaned in and kissed me. He pulled away and hugged me again. "Unfortunately, I have a meeting with the elders." Alan looked back at me before nodding. "It is going to be really odd without you there. But I will make sure that we get the full funds." He nodded before kissing my knuckles.

"Best of luck (Y/N)." He said. I nodded. "My dear, I have the utmost faith in you." I kissed him one final time before turning and walking confidentantly out of the garden.

*Time Skip*

I sat in the car behind Alan, playing with the ring on my finger. Alan cleared his throat and reached behind his seat to grab my hand. I looked at him through the rearview mirror.

"Darling you are fidgeting." He said softly. I squeezed his hand and moved so I was sitting closer to his seat. "Everything will work out. You did everything perfectly, with no room for error." I nodded as I caught Alan's eye.

"Still makes me nervous though. After so many attempts. We finally have the connection to Agular." I sighed. "This is normally where it slips through our fingers. So please forgive me for not having the faith my dear husband has in this endeavor." Alan chuckled and gently untangled his hand from mine. We watched as a man was brought out of the house. I quickly got out of the car and went to push back the hood on the man's head.

"Are we finished here my love?" Alan called out. I smirked as I turned towards him and motioned for the men to take the Assassin to the collection van.

"Yes we are my darling." I bit my lip in excitement. I quickly made my way back to the car and got in with Alan. "Once we return to Abstergo we can get him into the Animus. The Apple is finally within our grasp." Alan kissed me before we took off for the airport.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2021 ⏰

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