Joker 1

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You walked into the warehouse where you were currently hiding your villain boyfriend. You hoped to one day move him out and into your own house but with all of Gotham looking for him it would be hard.

"Joker! Oh joker!" You called as you walked into the curtained area he called his office.

"(Y/n)! I thought I told you to lay low for a while. It's too dangerous for you right now." He said as he stepped out from behind a curtain.

"Whatever. I needed to see you. Batman seems to have gone into hiding. Maybe it's time for you know.... Move on with me." You said. Joker laughed.

"Sure. Once I show my face he's gonna pop right back out." He said walking to his desk. "Tell me something. Does it depress you? To know how alone you really are? Especially in that big ole mansion?" You smiled.

"Sometimes. That's why I spend so much time here with you sweetheart." You replied. "Besides I think it's time I joined you."

"What? No. It's not safe and it sure isn't time babe." Joker said in disbelief. "Besides what would you call yourself?" You walked over to his desk and climbed on it carelessly. Joker watched you with a smile on his scared face.

"How bout Harley Quinn sugar?" You asked with a giggle and jumped down from the desk and into joker's arms.

"Works for me beautiful." Joker replies and kisses you slowly and tenderly. 

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