secretary (malcolm merlyn)

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Bent over his desk. That's where his mind went as she talked. He was completely zoned out.

"Mr. Merlyn." She said as she tapped her foot against the side of his desk. He snapped out of it.

"Sorry. What?" He asked. She shook her head.

"You zoned out again sir." She said. Malcolm nodded.

"Sorry. What'd I miss?" He asked. She gave him a small smile.

"I was just saying that with Mr. Queen gone, we could, potentially, buy out Queen Consolidated." She repeated. Malcolm's mind started to drift again but he shook his head.

"No." He said.

"No sir?" she asked. Malcolm lost his train of thought as he noticed the way her nose scrunched up when she was confused.

"No. We will not buy out Queen Consolidated. Walter Steel is doing a good job and Moira doesn't need losing her family company on top of losing her husband and son." Malcolm said. No matter where his mind went, he wouldn't hurt his friends. She nodded.

"I understand sir. I'll make sure we do not move on the company and other companies do the same." Malcolm nodded.

"Is that all?" He asked. She nodded.

"Yes sir. I will be in later to accompany you to the board meeting." She said and turned to leave.

"Thank you Miss. (Y/L/N)." Malcolm said. She turned around and smiled at him.

"You're welcome Mr. Merlyn." She left after Malcolm returned her smile. Once she was gone, Malcolm let out a sigh. He was in far too deep.

"God I love her." He muttered. 

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