We Can Do It (Stargate Pt 2)

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AN: This is going a bit long so there will a part 3 to conclude this little venture. 

I hurriedly packed up the books and papers that were in our workspace as Daniel did the same. My head spins as Catherine walks over to Daniel and taps him on the shoulder.

"Jackson." She said. He turns in a hurry and smiles at her.

"Hello." He stutters out. "Hi." She's holding something in her hands and his eyes train down to it.

"I have something for you." Catherine started to hand it to him.

"No." Daniel's eyes shifted between the two of us. "I..." I just smiled at him and shook my head.

"Yes." Catherine pressed it into his hands. "I found it with Stargate when I was a child. It has brought me luck." Daniel shook his head again.

"I can't." He whispered. Looking from the symbol on the necklace to me and back to Catherine.

"Then (Y/N)." Catherine turned towards me and held out her hand. I put my hand in hers and let her put it in Daniel's. "Keep it safe for me. You can bring it back to me." I nodded as Daniel gently put it over my head. He lingered on the eye of Ra symbol as Catherine took her leave.

"Eye of Ra." He whispered. I nodded, my gaze on the symbol as well.

"It's not really a protection symbol unless you count it's occult status." I rambled, the close proximity to Daniel finally getting the better of me. Daniel lowered the symbol and finally caught my gaze.

"Are you ready for this?" He asked. I shook my head and grabbed his hand.

"Not even close." I whispered back, the fear finally creeping into my voice. Daniel gave my hand a reassuring squeeze.

"I'm not either." He admitted. "But we'll get through this together." I nodded as I held his hand tightly. He leaned down and rested his head against mine. "We have each other and that's all that really matters." I closed my eyes as his breath fanned my face.

"That's all that matters." I agreed. Daniel gave my forehead a quick peck before turning back to finish our packing. It wasn't long before we were standing at the end of the line of military personnel.

"Ten-hut!" Out of instinct I snapped to attention. Daniel tried to hide his smirk but failed. I elbowed him before relaxing.

"If anyone has anything to say, now's the time to say it." O'Neil called. I was about to make a joke about it being too late to go to the bathroom when Daniel sneezed. I bit back my laughter as O'Neil shook his head at us. We followed the group into the Gateroom and the two of us watched as each of the men went through the Gate. I looked behind us at the control room to see Catherine raising her hand in farewell. I raised my own before turning back to Daniel.

"I'm not so sure about this any more Danny." I whispered. Daniel took my hand and squeezed.

"We can do this (Y/N/N)." Daniel whispered back. I nodded as we walked up to the event horizon. I looked over at Daniel before reaching out to touch the horizon. Daniel did the same. We smiled at each other before closing our eyes and walking through.

"Jackson! (Y/L/N)! It's all right. It's over." O'Neil said as he helped us sit up. He looked over at one of the other military guys. "Watch them."

"Listen. Keep moving. It wears off in a minute." Daniel stood up and helped me up, keeping a firm grasp on my arm as he stumbled down the steps. I held onto him just as tightly, hoping to keep myself upright as my head swam.

"What a rush." I heard someone else say as I shook my head to clear it. I looked over at Daniel and grinned.

"We did it." I whispered in excitement. Daniel smiled back at me.

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