You taped a child to a door? (Dean Winchester)

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You taped a child to a door? with Dean Winchester

requested on tumblr by bi-danvers0

AN: So this is actually my first time writing for dean (go figure) hope you all enjoy!

"DEAN WINCHESTER!!!" I yelled as I opened the door to the war room. I barely registered the concerned look on Sam's face as I made a beeline for his older brother. Even Castiel gave me a strange look as I marched past him. Dean looked up from his laptop on the table and gave me a big grin.

"Hey babe!" He greeted me, playing innocent. I slammed my hands on the table causing him to jump a bit and Sam to usher Cas out of the room.

"Don't hey babe me Dean Winchester! Who do you think doing something like that?" I yelled. Dean pursed his lips in thought and smirked at me.

"I think I'm adorable." The grin was back on Dean's face. I curled my fists and raised them before turning away from Dean. I loved the guy but sometimes I just wanted to beat him to a pulp.

"No you dumbass!" I shot back. "I honestly can't believe you right now Dean. I can't believe that I trusted you to babysit my little cousin." Dean raised his eyebrows.

"I don't see where you're going with this sweetheart." Dean approached me carefully and put his hands on my waist.

"Honestly Dean?" I finally gave in and stopped moving around.

"I kept the kid out of trouble. He's fine." Dean shrugged.

"If he's fine where is he?" I finally asked. Dean gave me a look.

"Well I put him somewhere he would be safe and not get into all the stuff we have here. He's safe." I raised my eyebrows.

"Dean." I warned.

"I taped him to a door." Dean let go of me and sat back down at the table. My anger returned and I nearly flew at Dean. I would have too if Sam hadn't come back into the room to see how we were doing.

"Whoa!" Sam exclaimed as he grabbed my waist to keep me from launching at his brother. "What's going on?" I chose to ignore Sam and focus on his idiot of a brother.

"You taped a child to a door?" I screamed. Dean looked at me again like I was the one who was doing the wrong thing.

"Like I said he's safe." Dean shrugged. There was a slack in Sam's arms around me and I pushed out of the safety of Sam's arms and knocked Dean over in his chair. I started to hit his chest and ribs, carefully avoiding anything that would seriously hurt him. Dean just covered his face and let me hit him.

"You're so stupid! What happens if he's hungry? Or needs to go to the bathroom? He's not safe Dean! What if he falls?" I landed a blow with each question.

"(Y/N)? Why was (C/N) taped on a door?" Cas's voice echoed through the war room. I spun around quickly and jumped up. Cas was holding (C/N) in his arms while the young boy was playing with his tie.

"Oh thank Chuck!" I exclaimed and ran to grab my cousin from Cas. "Thank you so much Cas." I gave Cas a one armed hug and set my cousin down on the table to look over him quickly. "You okay buddy?" I asked the boy trying to get off the table.

"I'm all good." He answered and pointed towards Cas. "Can I go play with the angel?" My eyes widened at his question. I'd never said Cas was an angel and I knew Sam hadn't. I promised his parents I would keep him away from all this until he was old enough to make the decision for himself. I quickly looked at Cas who had his head cocked at the boy. I slowly nodded.

"Yeah. Go ahead sweetie." Cas looked at me and I gave him a slight nod to tell him it was ok and we would talk about it later. Once the two had left the room I turned on Dean again who had stood up by now. "Did you tell him Cas was an angel?" Dean shook his head.

"I'm all for the kid hunting when he's ready but he's just a kid. I wouldn't involve him in any of this if I could help it." Dean said as he started to make his way over to me.

"Are you two all good? No more hitting going to take place?" Sam asked cautiously. Dean shook his head.

"For now." I muttered as Dean gently put his hands on my waist. Sam nodded and left the room. "That doesn't answer my question Dean. Did you tell him?" Dean shook his head again and looked at me with sincere green eyes.

"I didn't say a thing (Y/N)." I sighed and looked up at Dean.

"Then how could he possibly know?" I dropped my head to Dean's chest and took a shaky breath.

"Who knows." Dean whispered as he pressed a kiss to the top of my head. "I know one thing though." I lifted my head and looked up at Dean.

"What's that?"

"I'll never tape a kid to a door again." Dean chuckled and I shook my head as I started to laugh along with him. 

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