Hopeless, Awkward and Desperate for Love (Chandler Bing)

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I leaned back on the couch at Central Perk. Having just gotten off work, I looked forward to enjoying coffee and my friends' company.

"Do you want a refill (Y/N)?" Gunther asked. I nodded as Gunther poured more coffee into my cup.

"Thanks Gunther." I smiled as he moved back behind the counter. The door to the coffee shop opened and I turned around as the voices of my friends rose above the din of Central Perk.

"All I'm saying is it isn't fair to just leave them both at the shelter." Chandler's voice faltered for a second. "I had to do something."

"You could have given me the duck at least." Monica joked. "It would have fed Joey for a day." She sat down across from me after hugging me from behind. I smiled over at her while Chandler took a seat next to me.

"That's what I'm saving him from!" He exclaimed. I giggled as he draped his arm over my soldiers. "Take my side here (Y/N)." Chandler kissed my temple before looking at me expectantly.

"Sorry Mon." I gave her a small smile. "Chandler's got a point." Monica laughed and gave me a knowing smile as I leaned back on Chandler. I blushed as Chandler kissed my head again. We made idle chatter as we waited for the others.

"Hey guys." Rachel greeted as she sat down at the small table. Phoebe and Joey came in next. Joey took a seat on the other side of me while Phoebe went to set up for her set.

"Where's Ross?" Rachel asked after we had all settled in.

"He said he had some last minute things to take care of at the museum." I filled in as Joey got up to call Ross.

"How do you know that?" Chandler asked.

"He called my apartment and left a message." I shrugged. Joey sat back down and pulled my feet into his lap.

"He's going to be incredibly late." He said as I snuggled back into Chandler due to the new position I was in. Chandler moved his arms so he was hugging me. "What did you do today (Y/N)?" I sighed as Chandler rubbed my arm.

"I got yelled at by the manager and then to top it all off my computer restarted in the middle of an important project when the project didn't save." I rolled my eyes as Joey patted my leg. "So I have to restart it all tomorrow and hope that my computer doesn't crash or restart again."

"You could always work on it on my laptop and print it out so you have a back up." Chandler offered. I looked back at him.

"Are you sure?" I asked. Chandler nodded.

"Of course. Anything to help." He smiled down at me before getting up. "While this is very interesting, I do need the bathroom." I leaned back against the back of the couch again.

"Serious talk before he gets back." Rachel said before glancing in the direction Chandler went. "When are you going to make a move (Y/N)?" I blushed as Monica and Phoebe nodded in agreement.

"Why would (Y/N) make a move?" Joey asked before looking at me blushing and covering my face. "Oh!" It clicked for him as I shook my head.

"How about never?" I mumbled out as Joey rubbed my shin. "It'll never work and our friendship would be ruined."

"I'll let you in on a little secret but you can't let him know that you know I know you know." I looked at Joey confused before deciding to just agree with him.

"Ok." I nodded. "What secret?" Joey squeezed my ankle and smiled.

"He likes you too." Joey told me excitedly. "He told me and Ross once when we had all gotten really drunk at one of Monica's parties. Chandler couldn't keep his eyes off of you." I blushed and shook my head.

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