Han Solo 1

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"Han we got one heading straight for us! Better take care of it or I'm telling Luke to!" I yelled into the com link.

"I got it. I got it. Don't worry your pretty little head princess. It's all good." Hans calm voice came back.

"Sure." I replied drawing out my answer. "I stop worrying once we get all these stupid imperial TIE fighters off our trail. So hurry up flyboy."

"We're working on it sweetheart. How about a little less complaining and a little more where these things are? Even though you know how much I love to hear you complain about whatever situation we are in." Han said. I giggled as he continued to rant about my complaining. "Anymore (y/n)? Cuz otherwise I think you've had control of the falcon long enough." I sighed and looked at the scanners one more time.

"We seem to be all good for now." I said. "Han you can come up. I'll send Leia down to take your spot." I said. I switched the link over to Luke's channel. "Hey Luke seems like we are all clear but I'm pulling Han out and sending Leia to replace him. You should stay put until we are completely and absolutely sure we are clear."

"Sure thing (y/n). And don't let Han get to you. You know he will try anything to get you upset." Like said.

"Thanks for the reminder farmboy. I'll keep that in mind." I chuckled as I motioned for Leia to go down and relieve Han. She left and I sighed as chewie looked at me. "Oh you know Luke. Worrying about me when he doesn't need to." I explain and chewie roars in agreement.

"That wasn't a bad bit of flying princess." Han said as he leaned over the top of the seat to ruffle my hair. I sighed as I sorted it out and let Han have his seat back.

"Yeah well I learned from the best." I retorted.

"You're welcome then." Han said with a cocky smile. I grinned sinisterly.

"Oh I didn't mean you flyboy. I meant chewie here." I said and nodded at the wookie. I winked at Han and left to go check on 3po and r2.

"Chewie take over." I heard Han say. Chewie roared in response and Han sighed. "Yes fuzz ball I'm finally going to do it. So laugh it up cuz we both know it's gonna fail." I bit my lip and sat down at the table to watch the two droids play a game. I heard Hans boots before I saw them seeing as I was staring at the ground lost in thought. "Uh (y/n)?" I looked up at Han as he stood in front of me.

"Yes Han?" I replied.

"Can I talk to you?" He asked. I nodded. The two droids took the hint and left their game unfinished. Han sat down where 3po had been and gently took my hand in his. "Look I know things haven't exactly been......ideal since we met but I have something really important that I need to tell you."

"What is it Han?" I asked, giving him my full attention.

"I know you don't like being called princess because you aren't a damsel in distress. But you see to me you are. Every corner we turned back there had danger and I.... Well I had a feeling of responsibility for you. I felt like I had to protect you at all costs. I've never felt this way about anyone before princess. I guess what I'm trying to say is that I.....that you really mean.....I....." Han said. He brought his gaze up from the table in front of us to gaze at me. "I'm sorry princess. This is hard for me."

"It's ok Han. Take your time." I said.

"I guess I'm trying to say that you are a princess to me. No that's not how i meant that. I mean that you........" Han kept trying. I realized what he was trying to say and moved closer to him with a small smile on my face. As he kept trying to find the right words, I leaned up and pressed my lips to his gently. Han was slightly surprised but soon melted into the kiss.

"I get it Han." I whispered against his lips.

"You do princess?" He whispered back. I pulled back to look at his face and nodded.

"Yes I do. Cuz I love you too Han." I said and Han smiled. I smiled back and Han drew me into another kiss.

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