David Bowie 7 continued

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*this will be continued from that one story where David asked out the person that was interviewing him but in her pov* My arm was connected with David's as he led us to a small cafe. I hoped he couldn't tell that I was shaking with nerves. I hadn't told him but I was a huge fan. And I had a huge crush on him. That was why I had agreed to interview him. And now I was walking down the street, on his arm, to a cafe where we were going to have, what I hoped, was the first of many dates. He held me close and I couldn't help but watch him out of the corner of my eye. He seemed to be lost in his own world but he glanced over at me and caught me staring. I blushed as he smiled. "Sorry." I whispered. "For what love?" He said. His smile showed me he was joking. I wondered if he enjoyed watching me embarrass myself. "Staring." I whispered again and looked away. I felt his hand on my arm and looked back at him. His smile was kind as was the look in his eyes. "It's alright. To be honest, before you were staring at me I was staring at you." He admitted and looked away from me shyly. I smiled and leaned into him some. "It's alright. Seems we both are way too shy and are insanely nervous." I said. David looked back up at me. "And i have something to admit. Something I should have admitted way earlier." "What's that love?" He asked. I blushed as he kept calling me love. It was really cute. "I'm a huge fan and I may or may not have a crush on you." I admitted in a rush and without looking at him. I heard a small laugh come from the man next to me and I lightly elbowed him. "That's not nice!" I said with a giggle. "Ow." David said jokingly and rubbed his side where I elbowed him. He smiled at me and led me into the cafe. I hadn't even noticed we had arrived. "I kind of figured that out. It's no big deal to me. But can I ask why you have a crush on me?" I blushed as he led me to the back and we sat down on a small couch. I gazed at him as he sat down next to me with his elbow over the back of the couch. I bit my lip and looked at him to see if he was serious. I looked away when I saw he was. "Come on I won't laugh." His fingers brushed my shoulder and I made up my mind. "Well you're sweet. Now this I knew before I even met you. I watched all your interviews and everything. I love all your music. You are very talented. Everything you do is creative and imaginative and so innovative. Not to mention I think you are very....." I trailed off knowing who I was talking to. "Very what love?" He asked. My eyes rested on the table in front of me. David put his finger under my chin and gently pushed my head up. "I won't laugh (y/n). I promise." I saw the sincerity in his eyes and I nodded. "I think you are very handsome. Ok? I said it. You're very handsome. I like your eyes. I like your smile. I like your laugh, your voice, everything." I said. My voice faltered and I quickly looked away from him. David gave me a small smile that I saw out of the corner of my eye and his arm wrapped around my shoulders. He pulled me into him and rested his head against mine. "(Y/n), that's nothing to be ashamed of. If I makes you feel any better, I think you are very beautiful and I love everything about you already." He whispered in my ear. I looked up at him with a small smile. "Really?" I asked. David nodded. "Really." He answered. We went back to talking and pretty soon we had an entire pot of coffee sitting at the table in front of us. We talked about our lives and our families. Eventually he fell into silence and let me talk. I rambled on and on but he never interrupted me. At one point I looked over at him and he sat there with a small smile on his lips and his gaze fixed on me. His eyes sparkled and he followed my ever move. "I'm sorry. I'm rambling." I said, my shyness getting the best of me once again. David shook his head. "No no it's ok. I like listening to you talk. There's not much I can actually tell you that you might not already know." David said with a laugh. I smiled at him. "I don't know. Maybe I don't know everything. Try." I said. David laughed and smiled wide at me. "Alright. So what you want to know?" David said. I shrugged and he started talking. I listened to him talk about his life and his career. Pretty soon it was dark and David was walking me home. We got to my doorstep and I turn around to say good night. "Thanks for today David. I had a lot of fun." I said. David smiled and nodded. He seemed nervous about something. "So did I. I was uh I was wondering if you wanted to go on another date with me? Tomorrow maybe?" David asked. I smiled and nodded. "Yeah I'd love to." I said. David smiled and all traces of nervousness disappeared. "Great! So I'll pick you up at say ten in the morning? Well spend the whole day together again." David said. I smiled and nodded. "Uh (y/n), can I.... I mean may i....." David stuttered. I saw his nervousness again and I bit my lip. I thought I knew where he was going. "David." I said, stopping his stuttering. "You may." David smiled and sighed. "Thank you." He whispered and leaned in. I gently leaned towards him and our lips met. I felt his hand on my cheek and I put my hand on his shoulder. We pulled away and David smiled at me. "I'll see you tomorrow." He said and started to walk down the stairs. He stumbled as he was walking away and he gazed up at me with a hint of embarrassment in his eyes. I smiled and waved gently at him. I watched him as he walked away and I turned around to go into my house, knowing I wouldn't be able to sleep due to anticipation for the next day.

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