No Lying (Charles Lee Ray)

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"The Lakeshore Strangler has left behind two victims tonight." The voice on the television broke through the blissful haze Chucky and I had managed to create in our little apartment. "There does not appear to have been any connection between the two victims aside from being married." Chucky's head snapped to the TV.

"Bullshit." He growled. "They were cheating on each other with the same person." I ran a hand lovingly down his back. My hand fell on the bed as Chucky got up to prowl around the tiny bedroom. I sat up to better watch him. It was about ten minutes before he settled down enough to sit next to me.

"Chucky," I soothed, choosing my words carefully. "You killed the most famous newscaster in Chicago." Chucky smirked as he grabbed a cigarette and lit up. "They aren't going to put his dirty laundry all over the news." Chucky took my hand and leaned in close, playing with the cigarette between his teeth.

"You don't think I don't know that dollface?" He carefully blew the smoke away from my face. "Of course they can't say that but they could still make it look like they were at least looking into it." Chucky took the cigarette out of his mouth, blew the smoke away from me, and leaned in closer. "Why else would I kill him?" Chucky was off of the bed again before I could stop him. "I liked him. You know I did. I didn't want to kill him..." Chucky ran his fingers through his curls. "But fuck! Fucking Tiffany!" I stood up and made my way to where he stood.

"We'll get her eventually." I soothed. Chucky shot a glare at me. "Believe me Chuck. She'll get what's coming to her sooner or later." I hesitantly wrapped my arms around him, feeling him melt into me. His rage sated for the time being, I dragged Chucky back to bed. He turned off the TV on the way over. I layed back and pulled Chucky down on top of me. He smiled and curled around me. I ran my fingers through his hair, further soothing his rage. It was quiet for quite a while before Chucky sat up and pulled me into his lap. I giggled as I situated myself more comfortably.

"What's got you so happy all of a sudden?" I said. Chucky wrapped his arms around me more tightly.

"You say we're going to get her sooner or later right?" His grin grew as I nodded. "Then let's plot." His laughter was music to my ears. I grinned and rested my head on Chucky's shoulder.

"Sounds like a good idea to me." Chucky ran his fingers through my hair as his laughter subsided.

"Ask me some questions and I'll ask you some." Chucky murmured, becoming enamored by my hair. "You're not allowed to lie. I'm not either." I nodded as I shifted in his lap. Chucky bit his lip as I brushed against him. Looking up at him, I giggled which caused Chucky to tighten his grip on my hair. Biting back a moan, I smacked him in the chest for his laughter at my face. "Okay first question. Does this turn you on?" I blushed and nodded.

"You know it does Chuck." I breathed out as he loosened his grip. "My turn. How would you find Tiffany?" Chucky leaned back against the wall, pulling me tighter against him.

"I would probably send Eddie to track her." Chucky finally answered. "If I had to do it, I would pop by her trailer and go from there." Leaning back to look at him, I raised my eyebrows. "No I wouldn't kill her right away." Chucky kissed my temple. "I'd wait until you could help me." I smiled as I layed back on his chest. "If I asked you to join me on the lakeshore for a murder, would you join me?"

"Probably not." I responded. "I'd just help with Tiffany." Chucky put his chin on top of my head. "What would you want me to do if you got caught?" Chucky looked down at me in shock.

"What would I want you to do if I got caught?" The shock was clearly evident in his voice. "Dollface, I ain't ever going to get caught." I got off his lap and situated myself in front of him on the bed.

"Let's just say you do." I pushed. Chucky's face made me roll my eyes. "Even though I know you won't."

"I won't." Chucky reached for my hands. "But if I did, I'd want you to get the money to bail me out. Then we would figure out how to get me out of it." I smiled at his answer. Chucky leaned forward and kissed me. "I say we frame Eddie." I laughed and nodded. "What would you want me to do if you got caught?" I rested my forehead against his.

"I'd want you to get me out and find a way to pin it on Tiffany." I finally answered. Chucky smiled at me. "What was your first thought when you met me?" Chucky chuckled as he kissed my nose.

"My first thought was how I could get rid of Tiffany for good." I blushed.

"You said no lying." I frowned at him.

"I'm not." Chucky said firmly. He grasped my chin and forced me to look at him. "I'm not lying. I was seriously thinking of dropping her then and there just to walk out of that so-called party with you." Chucky pulled me close and kissed me forcefully. When we pulled apart, I leaned against him again.

"Thank you." I whispered. Chucky kissed me again before gathering me into a tight hug.

"What did you think of me when we met?" I clutched Chucky's shirt as I thought back to that first night I met him.

"I thought you were the most handsome and wonderful person I had ever met." I looked up at him. "I was seriously disappointed when I realized you were with Tiffany. But I'm glad to know the feeling was mutual." Chucky kissed me again.

"More than mutual dollface." He mused. We fell into a comfortable silence.

"Are you feeling better?" I asked, sleep threatening to take over at any second. Chucky nodded and he yawned.

"Much." With a kiss to my templed, Chucky got up and started to undress. "Ready for bed dollface?" I nodded as I watched him.

"After the show." I mumbled sleepily. Chucky laughed as he threw his shirt at me.

"Get changed minx." He chuckled. I held the shirt close to me as I started to drift off. Chucky walked out of the bathroom to see me passed out and clutching his shirt. Smiling to himself, Chucky walked over and carefully undressed me. I grumbled in my sleep. "It's alright (Y/N). Just making you comfortable to sleep." I mumbled happily as I let Chucky finish changing me into his shirt and tuck me in. He joined me in bed a few minutes later and pulled me close. I curled up on him and he kissed the top of my head.

"Night Chucky." I murmured as Chucky clutched me tighter. "Love you."

"Night dollface. Love you too." With a final kiss, Chucky and I fell into a blissful sleep. 

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