Luke Evans 4

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"Look (y/n)! Isn't he so cute?" Luke exclaimed as he held up the white puppy. I giggled at his excitement. It was his birthday and since I was away filming a movie, I had arranged for our friend josh gad to deliver Luke's present, an adorable puppy. Luke had been talking about getting a dog since I met him and now he had one.

"He's adorable Luke." I said with a smile.

"Can we keep him? Please?" Luke whined. I laughed.

"Didn't josh tell you?" I asked. Luke looked at me confused. "He's yours Luke. His name is snow and he's yours. Well ours. Happy birthday sweetie." Luke's face lit up and he hugged snow.

"Oh thank you thank you thank you." He speed talked. He kissed the puppy's head and practically buried his head in snow. I smiled as he acted like a 2 year old rather than a 38 year old.

"I love you Luke. You've talked about getting a dog since forever and now you have one." I said with a smile.

"I love you too (y/n). Thank you so much." Luke said smiling back at me.

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