Never enough (tony stark)

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I'm trying to hold my breath

Let it stay this way

Can't let this moment end

You set off a dream in me

Getting louder now

Can you hear it echoing?

Take my hand

Will you share this with me?

'Cause darling without you

"What are you thinking about?" Tony's voice broke through my thoughts. I raised my eyes to meet his and found chocolate brown staring back at me. A small smile graced his lips. I shrugged.

"It's nothing Tone." I couldn't help the small smile that fell into place on my own face. He gave me a look as if to ask if I was sure. "Seriously Tony. It's nothing." Tony moved closer to me. So close that our noses were touching.

"I want to believe you. Honestly I do. But...." Tony reached up and brushed some hair out of my eyes and put his hand on my cheek. His thumb rubbed small circles onto my cheek bone. "The look in your eyes says different." He quirked the side of his mouth, the way he did when there was something that didn't make sense to him. "And so does the line between your eyebrows. So spill." I looked back at him and sighed.

"Sometimes I feel like being with you is never enough for me." Tony's eyebrows shot up. "I feel like I always need to be around you. It's like you have become my world Tones. I can't think of any better way to put it." Tony pursed his lips as he smiled and i went to cover my face with my hands. "Its not funny tony."

"I'm not laughing." He said seriously. "Look at me I'm not laughing. Im being serious for once." I looked up at him and saw that he was in fact being completely serious. "You've become my whole world too (Y/N)."

All the shine of a thousand spotlights

All the stars we steal from the night sky

Will never be enough

Never be enough

Towers of gold are still too little

These hands could hold the world but it'll

Never be enough

Never be enough

For me

"TONY!" I screamed as he nearly fell through the ceiling to Stark Industries.

"PUSH THE BUTTON!" His voice carried down to me. I felt the tears prick my eyes and shook my head even though he couldn't see me.

"BUT YOU'LL DIE!" I could just imagine Tony rolling his eyes.

"TRUST ME! I LOVE YOU!" I wiped away any tears that had formed. "PUSH THE BUTTON!"

"I LOVE YOU TOO TONES!" I slammed my hand down on the button and booked it out of the plant before the arc reactor blew. Once I had reached what I thought was a safe distance, I turned to look up at the roof. I could just make out Obi's suit falling into the building but I couldn't see what had happened to Tony. "TONY!" I screamed as I attempted to get through the Strategic Homeland Intervention Enforcement and Logistics Division agents that had instantly swarmed the area.

"Ma'am/sir, you have to stand back. This is an official Strategic Homeland...." someone was saying.

"Yeah yeah yeah. Get Coulson. Tell him Tony Stark's wife wants to know what happened to him." I cut the guy off. I attempted to push past him when I spotted Coulson. "COULSON! WHERE'S TONY?" I yelled.

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