I do (Laurie)

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Small wedding and honeymoon with laurie from little women

"Everything will be fine." I kept repeating to myself. I played with the sleeves on my wedding dress as I paced the room. "Laurie wouldn't have asked you to marry him if he wasn't sure that we would make it. Everything will be fine. Laurie is out there waiting for you and as soon as they say it is okay, you can go out there and see him." I took a deep breath and closed my eyes, imagining what he would look like waiting for me at the end of the aisle. "And once this is all over, you get to spend the rest of your life with Laurie. Imagine that....." I trailed off when Jo March walked in the door and nodded to tell me it was time. I took another deep breath and took Jo's outstretched hand. I followed her to the back door of the March house. Jo ran off to take her place outside and I put my hand on Laurie's grandfather's arm.

"Theodore is a very lucky man to be marrying you (Y/N)." He said. I blushed and started walking to the start of the aisle with him.

"Thank you sir. I feel very lucky to be marrying Lau.....I mean Ted no.....Theodore." I said as I tried to figure out what I was meant to call Laurie. His grandfather laughed and shook his head.

"It's alright dear. Everyone gets nervous on their wedding day." He said as he patted my hand. I nodded. The music started and we started to walk down the aisle. I looked up and saw Laurie. He looked as handsome as the day that I had met him. He smiled at me and I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding in. In no time at all, Laurie's grandfather was handing me off to him and we stood in front of each other, trying our hardest not to smile or laugh.

"You look very beautiful (Y/N)." Laurie whispered to me and I blushed again.

"You look very handsome Laurie." I whispered back. The ceremony flew by in blur. The only thing that really stood out was the kiss Laurie and I shared after being pronounced husband and wife. Laurie led me back up the aisle and into the March house. The party afterwards flew by as quickly as the wedding. At the end of the night, Laurie helped me into the carriage.

"Ready to bash around London Mrs. (Y/N) Lawrence?" Laurie asked after he had kissed my cheek. I laughed.

"Of course I am Mr. Lawrence." I said as I kissed his cheek. "I'm ready to go wherever you are Laurie. Always."  

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