I bloody love you (ted logan)

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Request: 2. Sometimes I just listen to your voice and don't bother with what you're saying, 4. I blood love you luv, 6. put it away mate with ted logan
Requested by glamorizedtrainwreck on tumblr

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I lay staring up at the ceiling of my best friend's room. My head was on his stomach as we lay on the floor in a T. Ted was waiting for Bill to show up for band practice and I was there to watch the boys. Ted was talking about something but I had lost the topic a while ago.

"(Y/N)?" Ted nudged me. I snapped out of my mind and turned my head to meet his eye.

"What? Sorry I wasn't paying attention." I smiled at Ted as I sat up. He smirked and sat up as well.

"I was asking if your day was as unexcellent as my day was." Ted repeated. I shook my head.

"I actually had a pretty okay day today." I moved to sit next to Ted. He frowned as he looked at me. It seemed like he was thinking of something. "What's going on in your head Ted?"

"Where do you go when you zone out?" Ted asked. I blushed a little. Ted crossed his arms.

"I don't really go anywhere. Sometimes I just listen to your voice and get taken away." I explained. Ted snickered. "Sometimes I just listen to your voice and don't bother with what you're saying. It all depends on the mood I'm having dude." Ted smiled and looked down before looking at me again. I leaned my head on his shoulder and Ted relaxed under my head. "I bloody love you luv." I blushed at the admission but it was time that I told him. Ted pushed me off of him and smiled widely at me. He leaned down and kissed me, pulling me into his lap. The kiss seemed to last forever but it was broken up by Bill. Ted and I never realized that he had entered the room.

"Totally excellent Ted dude." Bill exclaimed. Ted looked up at Bill slightly dazed. I hid my face in Ted's chest. Ted's attention was brought back to me when I shifted in his lap.

"When did you get here Bill?" Ted was still dazed. His arms were wrapped around me, holding me in place. Bill laughed.

"Your dad let me in dude." Bill joked. Ted nodded in response. Bill sat on Ted's bed while I started to get up. Ted kissed my cheek before helping me stand. Bill smirked at us as I helped Ted get up. "Finally dude. The waiting was most heinous." Bill pretended to look at Ted and me with a love sick look.

"Put it away mate." Ted joked as he shoved Bill's face. I laughed as Bill fell onto the bed and the two boys play fought. I eventually broke them apart and ushered them off to their practice. 

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