Snowflakes (Leonard Snart)

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Alarms. That was the last thing that I remembered. After that, well everything was a bit black. Before the alarms, it was two men coming into the museum. They had strange looking guns. That pretty much gave them away. Mick Rory and Leonard Snart. Or Heatwave and Captain Cold. I preferred their actual names. It was funny that everyone but the cops knew who they were. At least for the moment. Thieves. And apparently they were here for something.

Right before they came in, I had put some ancient artifact back in its case. After they came in and made everyone except me and my boss get on the floor, my boss hit the alarms. My head whipped around to my boss because he had hit the wrong alarm. That wasn't the alarm to call the cops or even the Flash. It was the lock-down alarm. I didn't even have to look behind me to know Leonard Snart had a smirk on his face. I subconsciously pulled my sleeve down over my wrist to hide my snowflake tattoo. The one I had gotten not long after he was deemed Captain Cold. The one that gave away I was quietly rooting for him. The one that gave away my crush on him. After the alarms went off, the case door broke. It wasn't hit or anything. It just broke. Which was weird. But it broke with enough force to send the lock flying. And my luck being what it is, the lock hit me on the back of the head. I fell backwards and landed on my back, right at the feet of Leonard Snart. Alarms and a strangely concerned Captain Cold were the last things I could comprehend before everything was black.

I woke up on a couch. I started to sit up, trying to ignore the sickness and dizziness that I felt as I did. A gentle hand pushed me back down onto the couch. I complied as my eyes closed and my mind tried to drag me back to the black.

"Just relax. You took a hit to the back of the head. Not pretty." A cold voice brought me back. I knew that voice. It was the same one that had ordered everyone but me on the floor. It was the same one I found myself trying to find every time there was a robbery. It was Leonard Snart. My eyes snapped open and I sat up quickly. A little too quickly. My head spun and I bent over, nearly falling off the couch I was on. Snart caught me before I fell and I found myself holding onto him tightly while I tried to get the room to stop spinning. "Careful." He said as he helped me sit up. "Like I said. You took a hit to the head. Scared everyone quite a bit. Mick and I included." I stared at him confused but he didn't explain.

I was confused for many reasons. The first was why would Leonard Snart, Captain Cold himself, be concerned about me. He didn't have that nickname just for having a cold gun. He was known to be cold and calculating. He was always reminding Rory of how long they had to get out. He planned everything down to the last detail. The second reason was how I got hit in the head. I hadn't been anywhere near Snart or Rory so I couldn't understand how they had hit me. And from the way Snart was acting, I don't think he would have been the one to do it. The third was the concerned look I had seen on his face before I passed out. The last reason was where I was and why Leonard Snart was taking care of me.

"You okay?" I was brought out of my thoughts by the cold voice again. "You seem to off somewhere." I blinked at him before shaking my head.

"How'd I hit my head?" I asked. My throat was a little dry and it hurt a little to talk, but I needed some answers. Leonard cocked his head at me.

"Not really sure. One second you are standing there staring at your boss and the next you are laying flat on your back staring up at me before passing out. You just seemed to fall down." He explained. I reached to the back of my head and gently touched where my headache seemed to be coming from. I hissed and pulled my hand away quickly. Snart saw the look on my face and held his hands up in defense. "It wasn't Mick and it sure wasn't me. We weren't even near you." I nodded slowly.

"Probably that damn lock then." I muttered. Snart raised an eyebrow at me. "Uh the case that I was near. I've been complaining for months that something was wrong with the lock but no one ever took the time to look into it. It must have finally broke and I was unlucky enough to be in the way of it." I explained. Snart nodded slowly.

"What's your name?" Snart asked. I figured he would have gotten it off my ID badge but I guess not.

"(Y/N)." I replied. Snart nodded and smirked.

"Well (Y/N), I'm guessing you have more questions." He said. I nodded again as I looked around the room I was in.

"Where are we?" I asked. Snart looked around.

"I can't tell you that." He said as he looked at me again. I raised an eyebrow at him. "You might tell the cops." I let out a laugh.

"Yeah. Sure. I'd turn you in to the cops." I said with a wave of my hand. I hadn't noticed my sleeve had been pushed up, either by accident or on purpose I didn't know. I did notice when Snart grabbed my arm and pushed my sleeve up more. I stared at him with wide eyes as he looked at the tattoo on my wrist.

"A snowflake." He said as he traced his finger over it. He was barely touching my skin but it felt like he could melt the ink right off my skin. I swallowed and watched as he traced my tattoo. "That's adorable." He looked up at me and let go of my arm. He watched me closely as I tugged my sleeve back down.

"Yeah well I was born in the winter so I figured it was fitting." I muttered. Snart nodded, his signature smirk back on his face. He got up from kneeling on the floor, something I hadn't noticed until now. Snart turned around to go then stopped. He turned back around to face me again.

"(Y/N)." He said. I nodded.

"Yes?" I asked. Where was he going with this?

"Always please to meet a fan." Snart said before turning and walking away. I sat there dumbfounded. I couldn't believe that he knew the snowflake was for him. I didn't understand how. But somehow he did. And it made me really excited for some strange reason.

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