Sick (ted logan)

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I groaned as I slowly started to wake up. My nose was stuffy and my throat was raw. I felt cold even though I was covered in blankets. I moved my arm behind me and woke up when I felt a cold sheet instead of the warm body of my boyfriend. I turned my head to confirm he was gone and sat up slowly.

"Ted!" I called as loudly as I could. I didn't get a reply as I got out of bed and grabbed Ted's jacket. I put it on as I walked down the stairs to the kitchen.

"Shit!" Ted said as he dropped the eggs. He cleaned it up quickly and moved to the stove where there were pancakes cooking. Ted sighed when he saw they were cooking fine. I waited to see if he was going to move before walking up behind him and wrapping my arms around his waist. "Good morning my most excellent babe." Ted said as he looked over his shoulder at me.

"Morning Ted." I sniffled as I pressed my head into his back more.

"What are you doing out of bed babe? You have a most heinous fever." Ted's voice dripped with concern as he turned around in my arms.

"So that's why I feel so terrible." I said as my head fell onto Ted's chest. I could feel Ted's arms tighten around my waist.

"Go back to bed babe." Ted said as he pulled away from me. "I'll bring you a most excellent breakfast." Ted gave me his classic smile. The one that made me fall for him and made him look like a cute little lab.

"I don't wanna." I complained as I tightened my grip on Ted. He looked back at the pancakes.

"Shit!" he yelled. Ted spun quickly causing me to stumble back and let go of him. "If you don't wanna go back to bed, go ahead and sit at the table." He said as he turned towards me with a plate piled high with food. Ted followed me to the table and put the food in the front of me. He went back and got himself a plate before joining me at the table. "How do you feel babe?" He asked as we started eating.

"Most heinous." I complained. Ted nodded.

"You should take a nap after this." Ted said. I shook my head.

"I feel as if I've been sleeping forever." I replied. Ted sighed.

"I've got to call Bill then and tell him of this most unfortunate turn of events." Ted got up and put his plate in the sink. He came back and kissed my head as he did the same with my plate. "Why don't you go set up the TV for the most epic movie marathon there ever was?" Ted asked while he dialed Bill's number. I nodded as I got up and went back to our room to grab the blankets off the bed as well as the pillows. I stopped in the bathroom to take some medicine before taking everything to the media room. "She has a most heinous fever dude. I can't just leave her here alone, especially if she won't sleep." Ted paused while Bill talked. "Dude you are not coming over for practice!" Another pause. "Because I said so! I'll see you tomorrow Bill." Ted hung up. I smiled at him from my spot in the doorway.

"Everything's set up just waiting on you to pick the movie." I said. Ted nodded and took my hand, leading me back to the media room. I settled in among the pillows and blankets as Ted set up the movie. Once he was sure it was playing he joined me. "What did you pick?" I asked.

"A most excellent movie..." Ted said with a smile.

"Star Trek." I said as I curled up on his chest.

"I didn't..." Ted said as his smile fell.

"I know sweetie but that's what you always say about Star Trek so it wasn't that hard to figure out." I said. Ted pouted but hugged me to him tightly. I fell asleep about halfway through the movie and Ted laughed quietly.

"Slept forever." Ted laughed. "Ok then babe." Ted kissed my head and finished the movie while I slept. 

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