What if Romeo and Juliet were Vampires? (David lost boys)

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Requested by theeblueehazee on tumblr

AN:Thanks for this request! I love David in "Lost Boys" and I love Kiefer Sutherland so to do this was awesome! And thank you for letting me run with it!

AN: I'm sick and this probably isn't going to be the best work that I've done but I somehow found the energy to do it so I'm getting it done.

The Santa Carla Boardwalk. Territory of the Lost Boys. Offspring of Max. Of course the territory wasn't off limits. Everyone was just kind of warned not to go there. Especially since Star had some beef with the boys. The way she told the story, she got out fighting and biting. The way Max told it, she was given a choice, leave or die. Either way Star had left Santa Carla and started her own clan. They hadn't been going as long as the boys but they certainly had more members. And they certainly were more than capable of holding their own. Something Hazely made sure Star remembered. While David has his small band, Hazely had her's. And as much as David and the boys disliked Max, Hazely and the girls disliked Star.

"Hazely! I told you not to go near Santa Carla!" Star yelled. The sound echoed around the cavern as Hazely slowly stalked towards the center. She tilted her head and gave Star her signature smirk.

"Had you?" She cocked her head. "I don't quite remember ever hearing that." Star snarled and launched herself towards Hazely. "Ah ah ah." Star stopped inches from her.

"Go near the boardwalk again and I won't hesitate." Star warned. Her fangs and yellow eyes became prominent as she grabbed Hazely's chin. "You know better girl. I won't take anything less."

"Of course you won't." Hazely said as she jerked her head out of Star's grasp. There was a short staring contest before Star turned and made to leave the cavern. "Because you don't want us to be like you." The echo sounded dead as it bounced to Star. Without even looking over her shoulder, Star continued to walk out.

"No I don't." She muttered before taking a worried look behind her. She knew, deep down she knew, that if Hazely went to Santa Carla she would run into Max. And she would run into David. She just didn't know who would be more dangerous. The Lost Boys or Hazely.

Hazely waited until she was sure Star had left the cavern before turning and putting her fist through a rock. "Girls!" She yelled out, pulling on her gloves to hide the scrapes that now littered her hand. "We're going for a ride!" Five girls made their way into the main area of the cavern and gathered around Hazely.

"Where we going?" one of the girls asked. Hazely zipped up her jacket and smirked as she looked at the girls that had gathered around her.

"Santa Carla boardwalk." She said as she made her way out to the motorcycles that were waiting for them outside. They all got on the bikes and took off into the night. It was a two hour ride to Santa Carla but the time flew by just as the girls did. It was late when the girls finally arrived on the boardwalk. There weren't too many people out but Hazely could see the bonfire smoking away further down the beach. "How hungry are you girls?" She could feel her fangs descend at the thought of finally having a good feeding.

"Surf-nazis?" One of the girls asked. Hazely nodded as she started to lead the way to the bonfire. She made sure to keep her transformation almost non-existent as they walked down the beach. The music got louder and the smoke got heavier the closer they got. Keeping to the edge of the party, Hazely led the girls to a hill in order to watch the small group of surf-nazis. She made a motion for the girls to stay where they were while she scoped out a place to attack.

Laying low and edging along the outskirts of the party, Hazely kept her eyes on the group. She watched their patterns as they drunkenly danced around the fire. She didn't pay attention to the sound of boots crunching leaves coming up behind her nor did she acknowledge the brush of wind that followed the person's coat.

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