Luke Evans 2

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"So how's your girlfriend?" Jimmy Fallon probed. Luke smiled and shook his head.

"There's no way around this now is there?" He asked with a small laugh. I watched from the audience as Luke sighed and looked around.

"Not anymore." Fallon replied with a knowing smile.

"Alright. She's amazing. I don't know what I'd do without her." Luke said. I blushed at his words. Fallon nodded. "I guess you want more." The people around me applauded and Luke gave the same smile as before. "We've been dating for....god knows how long now. She's the light of my life and I love her more than life itself." The audience awed and I gazed up at him lovingly.

"Well we know you've been away for a while and we figured you'd absolutely love to see the love of your life again in person as son as you could we asked her to be here." Fallon said glancing over at me. "But there's a catch." Luke looked at Fallon in shock. I knew that too well. It was the look I had when I was asked to do this. "You have to find her. And the only way to do that is to blindfold you and have you kiss three members of the audience." Luke blushed and nodded.

"(Y/n) will probably kill me later but yeah I'll do it. If it means seeing her all that much sooner I'll do it." I giggled behind my hand. What no one except me and Fallon knew was I would be the first girl Luke had to kiss. Luke stood up and followed Fallon over to an open area and let Fallon blindfold him. I got up with the other two girls who were picked and walked onstage. I stood next to Luke and smiled at Fallon who winked at me.

"Ok Luke any last words before you soon yourself?" Fallon joked.

"I love you (y/n) and I hope you know this is just so I can see you all tags much more sooner. Please don't be mad at me." Luke said. I bit my lip to keep from laughing.

"Ok here's girl number one." Fallon said and I walked up to Luke and put my hands on his shoulders. His hand came to rest on my waist and I saw his eyebrows furrow. I pressed my lips to his and his arms circles around my waist. He pulled away quickly.

"That's her. That's (y/n)." He breathed out and pulled the blindfold off. "I love you (y/n)." He whispered.

"I love you too Luke." I whispered back before kissing him again.

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