Sick (John Wick)

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John groaned as his dog started to lick his fave. "Alright. Alright. I'm up." He yawned gently pushing the dog away. "I'm up." Sitting up on the edge of the bed, he looked to the person sleeping on the other side of the bed and smiled. He got up and let the dog out. John kept an eye on him while he made breakfast. Soon the dog was scratching at the door to be let in. John let him in and the dog ran straight for his room where (Y/N) was still sleeping. John followed the dog and laughed quietly when he saw the dog curled up next to the person still in bed. He picked his phone up from his nightstand and took a picture, saving it for when he inevitably went away and missed the two. John put his phone in his pocket and went back to finish breakfast. The dog soon came running when it smelled the bacon John had made. John smiled as he got the dog's food and slipped a couple of pieces of bacon into his bowl. The smile soon turned into a frown when he realized (Y/N) hadn't come down yet. John fixed a tray with food and went back into the bedroom, planning on surprising the one he loved with breakfast in bed.

*first person*

I woke to the feeling of someone kissing my head. I tried to weakly push them away and curl up more under the covers. I felt hot and cold at the same time. My head was pounding. My throat was sore and it hurt to swallow. My nose was stuffed up. I just wanted to sleep. Whoever had kissed my head gently pulled me back so I was laying on my back. I forced myself to wake up and opened my eyes to a concerned John standing over me, a tray of food in his hand.

"Morning." I said hoarsely.

"Morning. You're burning up." John said, worry lacing his every word.

"I feel cold." I replied. John furrowed his brow and put the tray on my nightstand.

"What else is wrong?" He asked. I blinked up at him, momentarily falling back asleep. "(Y/N)." I shook my head slightly to wake back up.

"I'm tired. My throat hurts. My head hurts. My nose is stuffy." I said weakly. "I feel like I'm sweating but freezing cold at the same time." John placed a hand to my forehead. He pulled away after a while. "Overall everything hurts and I feel like crap." John nodded and went to our shared bathroom. He came back carrying the thermometer.

"Here." he said as he placed it under my tongue. "This will tell us if you have a fever." He was talking more to himself than he was to me. Almost like he was reassuring himself it was a simple cold and fever and nothing else. John ran his fingers through my hair as we waited. The thermometer beeped, waking me back up and making John chuckle. "Well that would explain being hot and cold at the same time." He put the thermometer on the nightstand. "You have a fever of 100 degrees." he informed me. I nodded weakly and tried to roll onto my side so I could sleep some more.

"Okie dokie." I mumbled as I started to fall asleep again. John smiled slightly as he tucked the covers around me.

"Keep an eye on her for me." He whispered to the dog as he pet him. "If anything happens come get me." John pointed to my sleeping form on the bed and the dog jumped on the bed to curl up next to me. John went about the daily routines, periodically checking in on me as I slept. Around noon John came back and woke me up again. "You feeling any better?" he asked as he helped me sit up.

"Not really." I said, my stuffy nose evident. "If anything I feel worse." John nodded and squeezed my knee.

"I know sweetie. I know." He handed me a bowl of soup. "This should help you feel better." I nodded.

"What did you do while I slept?" I asked as I ate. John smiled at me and picked up his sandwich from the tray he ahd brought in.

"I ate the breakfast you slept through. I did most of the chores so you don't have to worry about that. I took the dog for a walk." John looked at me as he thought. "Other than that just made sure you were ok." I smiled at John and reached out to grab his hand. John put his hand in mine, making it easier for me.

"My knight in shining armor." I joked. John laughed. "Seriously though. Thank you. For everything."

"It's what we do for each other. You would do the same if I was sick." John said. He chuckled. "No. You would stay in bed all day and baby me." I laughed until I started coughing. John was quick to grab my shoulders and make sure I was ok.

"John. I'm ok. Just a little cough." I reassured him. John nodded as he slowly let go of me, keeping a hand on my leg. "And you're right. I would." John's smile slowly returned. He took the dirty dishes away and came back with some medicine.

"Here. Take these and then you can go back to sleep." John said handing me the pills and a cup of water. I took the medicine and handed the cup back to John.

"John?" I asked. He looked back at me from the doorway.


"Could we watch a movie and cuddle? I don't wanna sleep anymore. I feel like I've slept forever." I said. John nodded and left to put the cup in the kitchen.

"What do you want to watch?" John asked as he got back into bed and opened netflix.

"I don't care. Whatever you wanna watch." I said as I curled up next to him with the dog at our feet.

"How about this?" John asked as he settled on a movie. I nodded and got comfortable with my head on his shoulder. John smirked as he put his arm around me and drew me closer to him. I leaned up to kiss him on the cheek and we settled in for the movie. Throughout the movie I would periodically cough and sneeze. After a while I stopped. "You know after I inevitably get sick, we're just going to do this again because you won't want to get out of bed without me." John said. When I didn't answer he looked down at me. "(Y/N)?" he asked quietly. John smiled as he turned off the tv and maneuvered o we were both lying down. "Get well soon sweetie." He said as he kissed my head before following me into sleep.  

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