Snowflakes part 2 (leonard snart)

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It had been about a week since I woke up on the couch. I had gotten to know both Leonard and Mick. Mick had told me I was at one of their hideouts after I promised I wouldn't tell the cops. He made me swear and that's when I had shown him the tattoo. Leonard seemed to be avoiding me or at least trying to keep his distance. I wasn't sure which one it was. But because of this, I had grown a little close to Mick. And by getting close to him, he found out the real reason behind the tattoo I tried to keep covered, especially around Leonard.

"I don't see why you don't just tell him." Mick said as he stuffed another donut into his mouth. I inwardly cringed and sat with my hands wrapped around the coffee cup of tea that Leonard had brought back from Jitters for me. Mick looked at me expectantly and I rolled my eyes.

"Because Mick I can't. He already knows I'm a fan." I said. I grew quiet again as Leonard walked into the room. He went over to the small fridge they had and pulled something out before leaving the room again. I didn't pay attention to what he took. And I tried not to pay attention to him. A week ago I would have said I just had a tiny crush on Captain Cold. Now I knew that I was falling for him. Leonard had his moments. There weren't many, which is why I treasured the ones there were. Like really late at night when neither of us could sleep and we stayed up together watching those stupid late night shows and make fun of the host or just ignore them and talk.

I thrived on those talks. I had found out a lot about Leonard from those talks. How he didn't really have a "family". Just his sister and Mick. How he only did this because it was all he knew how to do and it was all he could do. And he learned about me. How I wanted to work in a museum but my parents made me double major so I could have something else to do so I didn't have to work in the dirty museums. How I seemed to lose everyone I got close to. How I didn't even have a family like his let alone a real family like everyone else had. What I didn't tell him was how I hoped that he would let me into his little family. Even if it wasn't in the way that my heart wanted at least I would have a family to belong to.

"(Y/N)?" Mick's gruff voice brought me out of my thoughts.

"Sorry. I was just thinking." I said, a blush brushing my cheeks. Mick smirked and I hit his arm. "Don't you dare Mick."

"You're going to have to tell him soon." Mick said as he stood up. "If you don't, I will." My eyes went wide and I stood up, trying to match Mick in height but I was too short.

"You can't Mick!" I nearly shouted. Mick gave me a look. "You just can't." I shook my head. I could feel my heart break at my own words but I had been in this position before. Last time I poured my heart to the guy I liked, he left me stranded. No more friendship and definitely no relationship. I did not want to go through that again.

"Alright kid. But you really should tell him soon." Mick said as he put his hand on my shoulder. "Snart and I are leaving in the next couple of days. Cops are getting a little too close for us to be comfortable. Might be the last time you ever see him." I nodded and Mick dropped his hand. "Promise me you'll think about it?" I nodded. "I need to know you'll think about it (Y/N)."

"I'll think about it Mick. But I really don't think I'll tell him." I said, shaking my head sadly.

"Tell who what?" I closed my eyes tight when I heard HIS voice. I didn't have to see him to know Mick was looking between me and Leonard.

"I'll uh leave you two to it." He said as he quickly walked out of the room. I opened my eyes and sat back down. I tugged my sleeves down and wrapped my covered hands around my coffee cup again. I stared at the table top, hoping Leonard wouldn't press the matter.

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