Tattoos (eddie kasprack)

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AN: Thanks to the incredible ​ziggysduck on tumblr for helping me write this story and coming up with the idea and sending me pictures to use. It sounds crazy but Inksie really is the Eddie to my Richie and I couldn't have done this without Inksie. Thanks Inksie!

The six friends sat around the table. Richie leaned his head back, taking the shot that had been placed in front of him. A few minutes passed filled with jokes and the catching up that the group of friends needed.

"Wait, let's talk about the elephant not in the room." Richie started. Everyone's eyes turned towards him, not quite understanding where he was going. "Ben, what the fuck, man?" Ben looked at his friend confused. "You're hot. You're like every Brazilian soccer player wrapped up into one." Ben blushed while everyone looked on in amusement.

"Beep beep Richie." Ben muttered before taking his shot. Richie smirked before looking around the table.

"What the fuck happened to me?" Everyone shifted a little uncomfortable in their seats. "What about you Eds?" Richie turned to Eddie expectantly.

"Don't call me that." Eddie scowled. Richie shrugged, quietly edging Eddie to answer the question. "I don't know what you're asking me Richie." Richie sighed.

"Anything you'd like to share?" Richie waved his hand, trying to convey that it wasn't that hard of a question to figure out. Eddie shrugged and started to take off his jacket.

"There isn't anything to share." Eddie let his jacket fall back on his chair. He took his shot before looking around at his friends. "What?" Everyone was staring at him and he didn't understand why.

"When did you get those Eddie?!" Mike whisper yelled. Eddie followed Mike's finger to see he was pointing at his arm.

"What?" Eddie laughed. "Tattoos?" He looked around the table at everyone's wide eyes.

"Yeah. What the fuck man?" Richie's eyes hadn't left his arm since Mike started to point at it. Eddie looked around the table amused.

"I mean once I left Derry behind it seemed like something nice to do." Eddie shrugged. He began rolling up his left sleeve. "I got this one to show I had moved on from always being stuck in my mom's world and that I was finally free." He glanced over at Richie while pointing to the bird on his shoulder.

"Damn man that's deep." Ben said. Eddie shot him a small glare. "I'm being serious. Like most people don't put that much thought into their tattoos." Eddie relaxed a little and rolled down his sleeve. He didn't see Bill roll his eyes at Richie or Richie's reaction to his tattoos.

"D-d-do you h-h-have any more Ed-e-eddie?" Bill asked. He was eyeing Richie and had a small smirk on his face.

"Yeah I have a few more." Eddie unbuttoned his shirt some and pulled the collar down. "The no dice is something I heard someone say and I liked it so I got it. The stars are because every time I looked up at the sky at night it felt like my heart got heavy and it was like I was missing something." Eddie buttoned his shirt back up. "I think I was missing you guys now that I think about it and all those nights we spent at the quarry or just doing stupid stuff."

"Awe you missed us Eddie Spaghetti." Richie teased. Eddie rolled his eyes and pushed up his right sleeve.

"Yeah well this one was in reference to you trashmouth." Eddie teased. Richie shut up quickly.

"Wh-w-what do you m-m-mean?" Richie stuttered out. Everyone at the table started to laugh.

"You're starting to sound like Big Bill over here trashmouth." Beverly laughed out. Richie turned red as his gaze returned to Eddie and his tattoo.

"It's a radio tower." Richie's eyes took in the little reference to him that he thought only he would get. "Richie had a very short lived radio show that my wife and I would always listen to." Richie's eyes went wide.

"You listened to that shit?" Richie nearly yelled. Eddie nodded.

"Didn't miss a single transmission." Eddie started to roll his sleeve back down. "I couldn't remember you for the life of me but I always thought you were hilarious." Richie slowly started to turn red again.

"I need a fucking drink." Richie said, standing up and starting to walk away. He kept staring over his shoulder at Eddie and the tattoos that were peeking out from his shirt and littering the arms that sat on the table. Richie shook his head and poured himself a drink. Turning around, Richie started to head back to his seat. He raised the glass to his mouth and put the glass in his mouth, tilting his head back to take the shot. He put the glass back on the table as Eddie finished up talking about how his mom and his wife hated them and called them dirty.

"It's the one addiction I don't actually mind indulging in." Eddie finished with a shrug.

"As long as you're happy Eds." Richie said as he gently shoved Eddie's shoulder and smiled at the smaller man. Eddie smiled back and nodded. 

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