You Could Take Him (David Spade Black Sheep)

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AN: By no one's demand, we are hitting another David Spade movie, Black Sheep. No one talk to me for a couple weeks, I'm gonna be down a hole of this adorable man. Someone needs to remind me to add him to my masterlist though.

I sat at my desk at the campaign office answering phones all day. I sighed as I picked up the phone and put it to my ear.

"Donnelly campaign office. How may I help you?" I put on the fakest nice voice I could as I ran a hand down my face. I picked up a pen and started to tap it against my notepad.

"(Y/N)! Babe! Guess what?" I perked up as I recognized Steve's voice.

"What did you do Steve?" I asked, slightly exasperated but excited all the same.

"I may or may not have gotten us a promotion." He teased. My eyes went wide and I dropped the pen I was playing with.

"Steve you didn't! What are we going to be doing?" I exclaimed. I smiled at Steve's laugh.

"It may not seem like a promotion right now but once we're done, we get to be on Donnelly's staff." Steve hesitated. "Right now we have to watch his brother Mike." I sighed. I knew Mike well. This was going to be a handful.

"That all?" I asked as I ran a hand through my hair. I could hear him sigh on the other end and I started to pack up my desk. "Steve, I'm in. Anything that gets me out of answering phones all day." His laugh came over the phone again and I grinned.

"Good. I'm waiting outside." He said. I looked up out the front window and laughed as he waved in at me. I waved back and motioned for him to come in.

"Get in here doofus." I said before hanging up. He put his phone in his pocket as he came in. I finished packing my stuff and put the box on top of my desk. Steve hugged me quickly before he took the box in his arms.

"Come on. Let's go drop this off at home." He nodded towards the door and we headed to his car. I waited in the car while he put the box in the trunk.

"Hey baby." A voice made me turn my head to Steve's window. "What you doin' sittin' in a car all by your lonesome? How bout you get on out and come with me?" I raised my eyebrow at the man that was leaning into the car through the window.

"How bout no?" I responded. I caught Steve's eye through the rearview mirror. He looked over at the guy and bit back a laugh. "Besides I got a boyfriend. He's putting something in the trunk so you better scram before he finishes." The guy took a look at the back of the car and laughed. I felt the car shift as Steve slammed the trunk shut.

"Hey pal. Mind leaving my girl/guy alone?" Steve was actually being polite for once in his life. When the man didn't move, Steve looked at me and smirked. I sighed and rolled my eyes as I moved over to open the driver's side door from the inside. That made the guy move and Steve got in. The man moved back to lean on Steve's door and I shook my head. "Look man she's/he's not interested so why don't you be nice and move along?"

"You little shit." The man said before reaching to grab Steve. He leaned back towards me before he started chuckling.

"Hey I got something for you. Kind of a souvenir." Steve laughed as he looked at me. I set my jaw and shook my head.

"Steve. Don't." I warned. He waved a hand at me.

"What is it?" The guy asked. Steve smiled before flipping him the bird and driving away. The guy fell into the street as Steve waved out the window. His laugh bounced in the small space while I smacked his arm.

"Steve Dodds you asshole." I scolded. He laughed harder and put his arm around me. Even though I was mad at him, I still let him.

"Come on (Y/N). I'm just having a little fun." Steve tried to sooth me.

"One day you're going to get in serious trouble." I warned. "I don't want to be there when you do." Steve pulled up to a stop light and kissed my cheek. It was quiet for a second before Steve looked over at me.

"Did you think I could have taken him?" Steve finally asked. I shrugged and tried to keep the smile off my face. Steve started to laugh and I had to bite my lip to keep from giggling. "You don't!" I started to laugh and shake my head.

"I never said that." I pointed out as I gently poked his arm. Steve nodded and smiled at me.

"You thought I could seriously take him?" He asked. I nodded and Steve bobbed his head. "You thought I could take him."

"And if you couldn't, I would be there to help you. Like always." I leaned over and kissed his cheek. Steve tightened his arm around me and kissed the top of my head.

"I know babe." He smiled as he drove off again. "I know."

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