come have a cuddle (john constantine (matt ryan))

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requested by @Hellblazer0830 on tumblr

Request: Come have a cuddle john constantine 

"John! I'm home!" I called as I closed the door to Mill House and locked it. I wandered through to the living room and saw John sitting on the couch with a bottle of whiskey and yanking his tie off. He had clearly just gotten home not too long before I had. He didn't seem to notice me at first so I went into the kitchen and put my shopping away. I walked back out to the living room and noticed John had started drinking already. "Everything okay John?" I asked as I sat down on the edge of the coffee table in front of him. John looked up at me slowly and I could tell he was already in the beginnings of getting blackout drunk.

"Course I am love. Why wouldn't I be?" John asked with that lopsided smile he only had when he was drunk. He patted the spot next to him. I nodded and sat down next to him. John tried to put his arm around me but I shot up from my seat with a hand covering my nose and backing away as quickly as possible.

"God you smell awful John! What the hell were you doing?" I asked, my voice muffled my hand and the lack of use of my nose. Again John just looked at me. "For God's sake John did you do another demon exorcism in the sewers?" I could tell by the way that he was avoiding the question the answer was yes. "Christ John. Go take a shower." I said pointing up the stairs to where the bathroom was.

"(Y/N)...." John trailed off, whiskey bottle slowly being moved to the table.

"Nope. Go take a shower. I'll make us something to eat." I said as I pulled him up, holding my breath so I didn't have to smell him.

"Fine." John grumbled as he mounted the stairs, shedding his shirt as he went. I picked up the shirt and magiced it away. John would be mad but when it came back clean and smelling a whole lot better he would forgive me for it. Once I heard the shower running I moved back into the kitchen and started to whip up something to eat. I was waiting on something in the oven so I decided to check on John. I had heard the shower stop a while ago but hadn't heard or seen John yet.

"John?" I called as I gently pushed the door to our bedroom open. I smiled as I heard John quietly singing "White Rabbit" by Jefferson Airplane as I entered the room. John caught my eye in the mirror as he picked up another bottle of whiskey and winked at me.

"Hello love." He turned around and smiled at me. "Enjoying the show?" I laughed as he made his way over to me.

"You know I always do John." I said as I handed him his robe. John's smile could only grow as he took the robe from me and put it on. "Food's almost ready." I mentioned as John put his arm around my shoulders and started headed back downstairs.

"Great. I'm bloody starving." John drew me closer and pecked my cheek. I heard the oven beeping and ran down the remaining stairs and back into the kitchen. I quickly tried to pull what was in the oven out without burning myself. I heard John's chuckle from the doorway and turned around with the pan in my hand.

"What's so funny John?" I asked with a smirk on my face. John smiled as he looked away and shook his head.

"Nothing. Just enjoying the show." I rolled my eyes and went back to getting our food while John sat down. John nodded as I put his plate in front of him. "Cheers love." I sat down next to him and we eat in silence. We would steal glances at each other every so often. When we had finished, John took our plates and put them in the sink. With a wave of his hand and a spell said under his breath, the plates were cleaning themselves. He wandered off to get dressed and I went back to clean up the living room from his little drinking binge earlier. When John didn't come back I went back upstairs.

"You going back downstairs?" I asked as I entered our room again. John was pulling back the covers on the bed and looked up at me. He looked back down and smiled.

"I wasn't planning on it." He said as he climbed into the bed. He looked back up at me, still smiling, once he had gotten settled against the headboard. "Come have a cuddle love." He opened his arms and gave me his best puppy dog eyes. I rolled my eyes playfully.

"You know you act all tough and shit but you really are a big softie." I said as I joined him in the bed and laid my head on his chest. John chuckled and shrugged.

"Says you." He pressed a kiss to the top of my head. "Want to watch some tellie?" I nodded and moved closer to him so we were both more comfortable. He magiced in a television and put some random show on. As I started to doze off, I looked up at John and noticed the look on his face. I recognized it as one I would sometimes get. A content little smile and a far off gaze at let me know he was off in his own world but still firmly planted in this one with me. I snuggled more into his chest and John looked down at me, his smile growing and his arms tightening around me. Once he was sure I had dozed off, he let out a sigh. "I am a big softie but only for you love." He kissed the top of my head again and tried to move down the bed without wake me up. "Only for you." 

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