Baby Girl Part 2 (David Lost Boys)

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 AN: A Part 2 was requested to the new dad story so here it is. 

Requested by @jokerslilmonster22 on tumblr

David waited anxiously for (Y/N) to finish getting discharged. He held his daughter in her carrier and couldn't help but look down at her every couple of minutes. It was hard for him not to smile. His brain couldn't wrap itself around the fact that she was his. He had helped create her. But he couldn't be happier that he had a little girl to call his own. He wouldn't ever admit it, but watching the families walking the boardwalk got to him more than he would like. And when he found out (Y/N) was his mate, he started to dream of creating a family with her. His heart swelled as he looked down at the start of that family. She was currently sleeping and David was being extra careful with her because of it. (Y/N) walked over to him and took the bag that had been packed last minute by Max and brought up to the room while (Y/N) was getting discharged.

"Are you ready?" (Y/N) squeezed his hand as they got into the elevator. David nodded and squeezed her hand back.

"Yeah." He smiled over at her. "I can't wait to introduce her to the others." The elevator dinged as they hit the ground floor. David drew (Y/N) as they exited the hospital. Max had been kind enough to drive them to the hospital and he was now picking them up. They were just lucky that it all was able to happen at night. "Thanks Max." There was a hint of gratitude in David's flat tone. It was the tone he always used when talking to Max. (Y/N) discreetly raised her eyebrows but went about putting the bags in the car.

"It was no trouble." Max said. David nodded as he waited for her to finish before helping her get their daughter in the car. Max stood by in case they needed help. In the end, they did need Max's help. David let out a growl at first but a look from (Y/N) and he settled for holding onto her protectively. Once their daughter was situated in the car, David helped (Y/N) in next to her. He went around the car to get in the other side. Max drove them back to the cave where everyone was supposed to be waiting for them to get back. (Y/N) thanked Max as he showed her how to get the carrier out of the car and put it in. David hovered closely behind her and took the carrier as soon as Max went to hand it to (Y/N). She gave him a knowing look and David looked down at her sheepishly. Max drove off and the two new parents started the descent into the cave.

"Is everyone going to be there?" (Y/N) asked. David chuckled and squeezed her hand.

"Yeah." David said. "Well as far as I know." David gently guided her down the stairs and kept glancing down at his daughter to make sure she hadn't woken up. When they entered the cave, David noticed that the barrels were lit and everything was cleaned up but there was no one in sight. "If this is a surprise, don't you dare wake her up!" David called as loud as he dared. They waited a second but no one came into the main room. "I guess they all went on a hunt." (Y/N) nodded and walked over to a crib that seemed out of place in the large cave.

"What's this?" She laughed as she ran her hand over the rail, carefully pushing down to make sure that it didn't collapse.

"I guess Marko finished the crib." David laughed. He joined her and took her hand off the rail. He put the carrier down next to the crib. "Don't push on it! It's not going to collapse." (Y/N) leaned down and carefully took their daughter out of the carrier. David smiled as he watched her lay the sleeping baby in the crib.

"If Marko finished it, I'm double checking." (Y/N) giggled. She moved away from the crib and wrapped her arms around David. He smiled as he pulled her closer.

"Not saying I blame you." David chuckled. "Just have a little faith in Marko." They stood watching their daughter for a couple minutes before David spoke again. "Let's get some food. It's been a while since I ate and I know that you haven't eaten in longer." (Y/N) looked up at him with wide eyes. He chuckled before leaning down and kissing her. "I'm not talking about hunting. I'm talking about actually eating." She gently relaxed against him and nodded. He led her over to the fountain. There was a box of food with a note attached. "Looks like the boys did a little work of their own."

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