Loki 1

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"Look how far you've fallen." His voice echoed in my ears as I approached the container they had put him in. I grit my teeth and hoped he wouldn't realize why I was there. "The bright lure....."

"Yeah. We get it. We were made to be ruled and blah blah blah. Tell me something new." I cut him off. His eyes narrowed at me. Even in this controlled state, he knew who I was. I wouldn't have expected any less of him. "Loki. This is madness. Stop this." A smirk grew on his lips.

"And why should I (y/n)? For you? For the people you work for? How do I know you are not like they are?" He asked. I bit my lip. He already knew the answer. I doubted he would have forgotten that after being away for so long.

"You know the answer to that Loki." I whispered as I moved closer to the glass. Fury was bound to send someone in here to get me away from him. I had limited time and I needed to get this done. Even if Fury didn't like my methods. "You always have and you always will. No amount of mind control will affect your heart. You know it and I know it. Deep down, you know the answer to your own question."

"Is this love, Agent (l/n)?" Loki asked with a smirk. I froze for a second then continued to walk right up to the glass. I stopped right in front of it. He had to see what being away from him for this long was doing to me. He had to see what he was doing to me. This was not Loki. Not my Loki. He had to see that. Fury knew I would be able to get through to him. Maybe even break the hold on his mind. Thor thought I would be the light to guide Loki out of this dark tunnel. I hoped they were right and I wouldn't let them down. I wouldn't let HIM down. I couldn't let him down.

"Loki....." I trailed off as I placed my hand on the glass. He watched me from the other side of the cage. I took a deep breath. I hadn't told him this in so long. It had been years. "Loki, I love you. Please. Snap out of it. I love you. But not like this. We need you Loki. Thor and I." Loki scoffed. I met his gaze. "I need you. Please come back. Snap out of it and come back." I kept my gaze locked onto him. I knew agents were on their way. They had to be. I just knew it. Loki got up and started to walk closer to the glass separating us. There was an evil look in his eye and I didn't know why.

"This is the basest sentimentality. This is a child at prayer. Pathetic. You lie in the service of liars and killers. You pretend to be separate. To have your own code. Something to make up for the horrors. But they're a part of you. And they will never go away." Loki was right up in front of the glass. I could see his eyes and I took a small step back. Blue. Not his normal green. Blue. Something was definitely not right here. This wasn't working. My hand stayed on the glass, even when he slammed his fist against it. "I won't touch Loki. Not til I make him kill you. Slowly. Intimately. In every way he knows you fear. And then he'll wake just long enough to see his good work and when he screams I'll split his skull." My eyes went wide and I pulled my hand off the glass. I took several steps back. This wasn't Loki. This was whatever was in his mind. "This is my bargain you mewling quim." The agents I knew were coming finally arrived. I raised a hand to hold them off.

"Here's my bargain." I said. I held my head high and looked Loki in the eye. "Get. The. Fuck. Out. Of. My. Boyfriend's. Head. Or. Else." Each word was punctuated with a step until I was right in front of the glass.

"Or else what?" Loki asked evilly.

"I will fucking destroy you. He is mine. Now get the fuck out." I growled. Loki's eyes glazed over and for a second I thought something bad was going to happen. Then he smirked evilly at me. I watched his eyes. Green started to tint the blue. Not fully but it showed Loki was gaining control.

"Claim loyalty to me and I will give you what you need." Loki said. He winked at me and I knew he was winning the fight. I smiled back at him and put my hand against the glass.

"When do we start?" I asked as Loki's hand rested against mine with glass in between. 

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