Who Knew (Ray Stantz)

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I smiled as I looked at the four guys sitting on the steps of the Ghostbusters station. They looked so serious but I knew better. Especially when it came to Peter Venkman. And to an extent, Ray Stantz as well. I could take the quietness and seriousness of Egon Spengler and I didn't know Winston Zeddemore all that well but he didn't strike me as fitting in with the three guys I knew from college. He fit in with mine and Ray's crowd maybe but only because he didn't fit in with Egon or Peter. I frowned as I looked over the four Ghostbusters.

"Come on guys! Smile! This is promotional but that doesn't mean it has to look like a prison photo!" I joked as I brought my camera up to my eyes and started to take pictures. "This is surprising coming from you Pete. Always talking. Always cracking jokes. But get him in front of a camera and he's dead." Ray cracked a smile which made me smile again as I quickly captured it on film. "Thank you Ray. Come on Egon. I know you don't smile often but please. For like two pictures?" I lowered the camera slightly to see Egon still looking stoic. "Ok. If not for two pictures, how about you do it for me? For one picture?" I pouted a little, knowing that always got Egon in college. I grinned like a mad man when Egon finally smiled and I snapped as many pictures as I could while his smile lasted. Winston had been smiling throughout the entire exchange which was nice since it wasn't something I had to worry about. Peter still wouldn't smile though. "Alright. Give me like two minutes. I need to switch out this roll of film." I said as I walked back to my little station that I had set up.

"Come on Venkman. This was your idea. Why can't you do what (y/n) says?" I heard Ray say behind me. I smiled a little at how he was trying to stick up for me.

"We are supposed to look professional! Not like a group of schoolboys on picture day." Peter said a little too loudly and harshly. I gritted my teeth a little. I always tolerated Peter because of Ray and Egon. Over time I had come to like him but he still irritated me on occasion. This was one such occasion.

"(Y/N) has a point though Peter. We don't want to look too professional. Think of why we got some of our calls to begin with. It was your jokes and odd ways of trapping the ghosts that made people like us." Egon tried to reason. I was fiddling with my camera trying to get the new roll of film to sit the way it was supposed to. I closed the back of my camera and turned back to the boys on the steps.

"Alright. Back to it." I said as I started taking pictures again. This time everyone had a smile on their face. "Wow! There's the guys I knew in college! The scientist, the nerd and the dork who couldn't pick up a girl no matter how hard he tried!" I joked. Winston looked over at the other three, almost trying to figure out who was who. "In case your wondering Winston, Ray is the nerd and Egon is the scientist." I helped him out. Winston started laughing at the way that Peter's face was turning red and how he was glaring at me.

"I believe Ray was the one who couldn't pick up a girl (y/n). If I remember right, I got that cheerleader junior year." Peter said. Ray blushed a little and I stopped taking pictures.

"And if I remember right, she dumped you as soon as she realized she didn't even know what you were studying because it was so weird." I retorted. "And Ray didn't need to get the girl. He was happy with what he had." Peter made a face at me and I stuck my tongue out at him.

"Whatever. Are we done yet?" Peter asked.

"Not yet. I just a few more pictures." I said as I picked up a different camera. "Winston, Egon, you guys can go. I've got all the pictures I need of you guys." I smiled as Winston stood up and nodded to me as he left. Egon came over and gave me a quick and slightly awkward hug.

"Careful with those two." Egon whispered to me. "Need me to stay to help?" I shook my head.

"I think I can handle Venkman. Never really had a problem with Ray but I think I can manage if the situation arises." I responded. Egon nodded and followed Winston away from the mock photo studio. I turned back to the two left sitting on the steps. "Ok boys it just us now so loosen up." I smiled. In college it had always been Ray, Peter and me hanging out. I took pictures, Ray either sat as my subject or was doing his own thing (where he was still my subject unknowingly) and Peter was watching some group of girls somewhere.

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