David Bowie 1

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I walked into the flat I shared with my boyfriend and tossed the keys down on a random table. I sighed as I looked at what was evidently my rock star boyfriend's costume that was laying on the floor. I couldn't remember if I had left it there or if it was there before I left for work that day. I gave up and picked it up to throw in the laundry knowing he'd kill me if he found out I had left it on the floor all day and he came home from your to find it there. I walked into our shared room and changed. I was prepared to put on the saddest movie we owned and curl up in one of his tshirts after a long day at work. But I was in for a surprise. I walked out of the room into the kitchen to grab my leftover bottle of soda from lunch and continued into the living room.

"David!" I exclaimed, nearly dropping the bottle. I took in his white shirt and jeans, his orangey hair, the faint amount of makeup around his eyes and on his lips, his mismatched eyes, and the way he laid on his arms. My boyfriend smirked at me and raised his eyebrows, never moving from his position laying on the couch. His eyes darted from my face to the tv and back. His hand moved to grab the remote but thought better of it.

"Hello love. Like the surprise?" He asked with a smile. I nodded.

"So the costume was you. I thought I'd forgotten I had left it there this morning. It was a slim chance that it would have been you but I hoped and I was right!" I giggled as I joined him on the couch. "I missed you if you couldn't tell." David kissed my nose.

"Oh I noticed. Several of my shirts in the laundry, my jacket gone, my records on the table, labrynth sitting on the bed, my side of the closet almost bare. Yeah I noticed." He said as he wrapped his arms around me. I blushed and buried my head in his chest as he played with my hair. "It's nothing to be ashamed of. If you didn't notice, I took your Disney hoodie. I wore it ever second I wasn't on stage. Believe me, some of the guys I work with wouldn't let me hear the end of it." David's laugh filled my ears and his body shook with the action. "I also maybe took your teddy bear. I'm sorry. It must have been hell trying to sleep without both me and it. I should never have done that but it was like having you with me." I looked up at David.

"You took my bear? I didn't notice." I said. David laughed again and kissed my head.

"Oh sweetheart. Was so bad without me that you didn't even notice your favorite bear was gone?" David said, smiling down at me. I nodded.

"If I didn't notice my bear was gone then it must have been." I muttered. David playfully frowned at me and gently hit my nose.

"Well I should congratulate you on one thing though." He said, still pouting at me.

"What's that?" I asked.

"You made it a whole two months without your teddy bear to keep you company." David said with a smile. I smiled up at him.

"I guess I did didn't I?" I said. David nodded at me. "So what do I get for doing that?" David pretended to think about it for a while as I gazed up at him.

"I guess that since you did so well you deserve something special." David said. "Now I'm sorry that it isn't that special but this is all I have for you." I was about to ask what it was when David's thin lips pressed against mine. My fingers tugged on his hair and I felt his hands move up my shirt. We pulled away, out of breath for the first time in months. "What a great homecoming." David said as I giggled at my strange boyfriend.

RIP David Bowie 

Look ok I know this is like a week late but believe me I needed the time. I looked up to this man. Scratch that. I still look up to him. He is my idol. I miss him even if I didn't know him personally. Losing him messed up my world for the second time in my life. Then 4 days later we lose Alan rickman aka Severus snape. 😭😭 I apologize for the lateness of this story and my updates but I needed the time to mourn. Thank u all for being patient. Enjoy  🙂

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