Billie Joe Armstrong 5

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A/n: ok a few things. 1) listen to that song from the link when you see a * cuz that's the song in referencing 2) the pic is very obviously from ordinary world and Billie is very obviously inside forget it's from the movie and pretend he's outside just go with me on this 3) I know I kinda promised more updates and more variety but damn college is fucked up like everything got thrown off especially since I have a job now and then I've been putting this story off cuz I've been completely sick (thanks dumb ass allergies like y is there so much fucking grass on my campus whose bright idea was that) and I wanted to write this with a clear head well a clearer head than what I had at the end of last week and the beginning of this week. But I'm feeling better now just still have a cough but my heads relatively clear and I'm ready to put this adorable idea down on this website. So yeah keep those things I said in mind and hope you all enjoy this.

I sat on my bed. I've got some scattered pictures laying on my bedroom floor. I stared at them trying not to cry, debating whether or not I should burn them and forget him but not the time. I didn't notice the tear until it landed on the back of my hand. I blinked at my hand then slowly took a deep shaky breath. Easing off my bed, I sat down on the floor and picked up the one picture I could never get rid of. If I was going to cry, I might as well cry thinking about that memory.

I laughed hard, my head falling against Billie's shoulder. He laughed too, looking down at me. I tried to catch my breath and leaned more into Billie. His arm held me tightly by the shoulders and I reached up to lace my fingers with his, pulling my feet up onto the couch we were on as he took a sip of the beer in his other hand. Billie smiled widely down at me. I smiled back at him. A flash went off, blinding us for a second.

"If you want a picture mike, we'll give you a picture." Billie said with a laugh and kissed me roughly. The flash went off again and Billie smiled into our kiss. "He's got a picture." Billie mumbled against my lips and I couldn't help but smile.

-end of flashback-

I knew the tears were flowing now. I bit back a sob as I remembered the night it all ended. My mom had found me on the porch crying my eyes out and drunk. I was certain she was going to kill Billie for doing that to me.

Surprisingly we were still sober. The same couldn't be said for mike and tre. I put the blanket over mike and gently kissed his cheek before doing the same to tre. After dating Billie for a couple years, mike and tre had become brothers to me. My own loving and dysfunctional family. Sure I had a nice one at home but this is where I belonged. I was sure the boys were all tucked in before joining Billie in the backyard.

"What was that all about?" Billie asked bitterly.

"Huh?" I asked. I was confused by his tone. He knew mike and tre were like my brothers.

"Kissing mike and tre." Billie said. I raised my eyebrow. "It's bad enough I have to compete with all those jerks at school and when we go out but now my best friends? The fuck do they have that I don't?" I took a step back.

"Billie what the fuck...." I started to say before we erupted into a yelling match. We woke mike up in the process and he saw the end of it.

"I'm fucking down! That's it! I'm finished! I don't want to see you ever again! So so long!" Billie yelled. It felt as if I had been slapped across the face. My face felt hot and wet. I nodded.

"Fine then. So long Billie Joe. Nice knowing ya." I turned around and went back into the house. I went straight to the kitchen to grab a beer and ran straight into mike. He already had a pack of beer and his car keys. He took my hand and led me to his car. I stared out the window as he drove us to Christie road. He would give my hand a reassuring squeeze every so often. When we got to Christie road we didn't talk. We just drank. Then mike took me home where I couldn't even bring myself to walk into my house.

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