Baby girl (David Lost Boys)

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Request: Hi I was wondering if you were taking any requests for your Tumblr page. If not, that's fine. But if you are, could please do David as a dad to newborn baby girl?

Requested by: @jokerslilmonster22 on tumblr

AN: so because I feel like this is such a cute fluffy request it has to be done this way. There is no other way to do it. So I hope you enjoy!

David sat outside the hospital smoking. He was nervous. His mate had just given birth and he had been ushered out of the room while they took his child, his baby girl away and (Y/N) was made to sleep. He took a quick look around before swinging his legs over the arm of the chair he was sitting in. In all honesty it was probably a wheelchair but he didn't care at this point. He just wanted to get back to his girls. He had just put out the cigarette when a nurse came out of the hospital.

"Mr. David (Y/L/N)?" David looked up at the name he had given the hospital. He couldn't remember his own last name so it had been easier to give them yours.

"Yes?" He asked. Being under strict rules from you to be nice to the staff no matter how much pain you were in because of what they did, he figured that extended to having whatever this conversation was with the nurse.

"You can go up and see your wife now." David was up and in the door before the nurse even finished telling him he could go up. He silently begged the elevator to hurry up as the slowly climbed. He was impatient to get to you. He needed to make sure that you were okay. All that he had before was the assurances of the doctors but he wanted to hear it from you before he calmed down. He took off down the hall to your room as soon as the doors opened.

You looked up when you heard the sound of running feet. David appeared in the door to your room, looking at you expectantly. The smile that came across your face made him relax before making his way to you. You nodded, knowing the unspoken question he was dying to ask. You patted the empty space on the bed next to you and David filled it in a heartbeat. He kissed your forehead before wrapping an arm around you carefully. You reached up and squeezed his hand before gently pulling him down so you could press a kiss to his lips.

"How are you feeling?" He whispered. His eyes were soft as they searched yours. You smiled up at him and nodded.

"A little sore but the meds have been taking care of that." You told him. "I feel better now that you are here though." David smirked and kissed your head. You sat in silence for a while. "I'd feel even better if our baby was here."

"Yeah. I'd love to see her." David admitted. The two of you looked up when the door opened again. The nurse was back, this time pushing in a bassinet. David strained a little to see inside but all that he could make out was a giant pink blanket. He let out a little sigh of frustration that only you heard. He looked down at you, catching the amused look you were giving him before turning his attention back to the bassinet. "Shut up." he mumbled, watching the nurse's every move. David hadn't even held his daughter let alone seen her and he was already fiercely protective of her.

"And here's your daughter." the nurse picked up the baby that was in the bassinet and passed her to you, making sure you were holding her correctly before moving to put the bassinet closer to the bed. You felt David tense next to you when the nurse lingered a little too long near the three of you. You gently nudged him with your leg, making him look over at you. His eyes scanned over you quickly, his attention being brought to the pink blanket in your arms. His eyebrows furrowed and he gently reached out and pulled the blanket down. For the first time, he saw his daughter. His face relaxed and he didn't move. You smiled at the look on his face that could only be described as peaceful.

"Do you want to hold her?" You asked. David seemed to snap out of his trance long enough to shake his head.

"If I'm being honest, I'm a little scared I'm going to break her." David whispered, never taking his eyes off the tiny human in your arms. He gently reached out and stroked her cheek with his finger. He was barely touching her but you knew as well as he did that the simple action meant a lot to him. "She's so tiny." You chuckled and rested your head on his shoulder. David started to gently rub your arm as he continued to stroke your daughter's cheek. "I'm so proud of you." David looked down at you only to see you had fallen asleep again. He smiled down at you and tried to get comfortable on the stiff hospital bed they were forcing you to stay in. the three of you stayed like that for a while before he noticed your hold on your daughter had loosened. David quickly and quietly shrugged out of his coats. Nervously, David reached over and picked her up. He tried to copy the way that you had been holding her. He held her close and smiled down at her when he noticed her bright blue eyes looking up at him.

She gurgled at him and his smile grew. He situated the blanket lower than it was so she wasn't so crowded. That's when he noticed the bright blonde hair. Gently sitting down in the chair next to the bed you were sleeping in, David stared at his daughter in awe. She had his hair and his eyes. But to him it was very clear she would have your looks. A cute button nose and full lips only meant she would turn heads when she was older. She squirmed in his arms for a second before settling against him. With a soft chuckle, he thought of how you would often do the same thing late at night, or rather late in the day, when he was trying to cuddle with you. 'Definitely more like you." he thought with a glance at your sleeping form. She gurgled again and David's attention went back to the bundle of blankets in his arms.

"Hello sweetie." He stroked her cheek again as she blinked up at him. "I'm your daddy. I'm so happy you're finally here." He relaxed more as he held her. "I've waited so long to see you. Mommy was getting impatient." He chuckled at the conversation the two of you had been having before your water had broken. It was almost like she was waiting to hear how much you had wanted her to be there before making her grand entrance. Another feature that reminded David of you. "Mommy's asleep right now. But she absolutely adores you." He laughed as his daughter squirmed again, this time getting closer to him. "As do I." He adjusted her so she was as close as she could be. "I love you already baby girl. I won't let anything bad ever happen to you. I'll always look over you. And I'll always protect you." His daughter yawned and David chuckled again. "I see. I'm boring you with this sappy talk. Just like your mommy." His cheek stroking slowed down as he started to lull her to sleep. "That's okay. Sometimes it's the only way she'll get to sleep. And I'll gladly talk forever if it helps both my girls get to sleep." His daughter yawned again and her eyes started to close. "The stories I could tell you about your mom and your uncles. Some will have to wait until you are older but I have years and years of bedtime stories planned out for you." David smiled as he watched his daughter fall asleep. "I'll be here when you wake up my beautiful girl. I love you so much." David settled back against the chair he was sitting in and closed his eyes. He opened them again when he heard your giggle. "What?" The smile he was giving you told you he knew exactly what.

"I thought you were afraid of breaking her." You smiled at him. If it was possible, his smile would have gotten bigger.

"Then I held her." David admitted. He smiled down at the sleeping baby in his arms and felt his cold heart melt.

"Do you think she's....." David looked back up at you. "Like us?" His gaze fell back on the baby in his arms.

"I honestly don't know." David admitted. "I think we'll just have to wait until she's older. I hadn't heard of a vampire child before."

"There's Laddie. He's a child." You suggested. David smiled sweetly at you.

"He was turned." David pointed out. "I don't know about a naturally conceived vampire child." He chuckled as he clarified and your cheeks gained a dusting of red. He winked at you, causing you to giggle as you fell against the flimsy pillow you were provided with.

"What happens if she is?" You asked, head resting on the pillow and your gaze on the bundle of pink in David's arms. Worry laced your voice and David picked up on.

"Then we teach her. Make sure she knows how to fend for herself and protect herself. Make sure she isn't like you were when you were first turned." David gently teased. You made to throw a pillow at David but he smirked and held your daughter closer to him. You both knew you wouldn't throw anything at him while he was holding your precious baby girl.

"How do you know she'll turn out like me?" You pushed. "Max has told me some of the stories about what you were like when you first turned. She might be more like you." David laughed and shook his head.

"Tough luck (Y/N). She may have my eyes and my hair but she is all you." He smiled down at his daughter who stirred in her sleep. "She's all you." His voice dropped in awe of the tiny child in his arms and just how much like you she was. "My voice sends her to sleep. She wants nothing more than to be as close to me as possible. Her cute little yawn and her refusal to give in to sleep even though she desperately needs it." David lifted his gaze to meet yours. "Her cute button nose. Her full lips." He winked at you. "She's all you babe." Getting up, he slowly made his way back to the bed you were forced to stay in. Sitting down, he quickly stole a kiss. "And she's all the more beautiful for it." 

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