Online Classes Suck (Sebastian Stan Bucky Barnes)

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I sighed as I set up the Zoom meeting for the class that I had signed up for. I did not have much faith in being able to learn anything but I was required to take the class in order to complete my degree. I turned in my seat to grab the notebook out of my bag as well as something to write with.

"Hi doll." A soft voice broke me out of my dreary mood. I looked up at Bucky standing in the doorway. "What are you doing?" I looked over my shoulder at my laptop before motioning for Bucky to come closer.

"This is a Zoom meeting." I waved my hand at the screen. Bucky propped his chin on the top of my head and rested his arms around my neck. "It basically allows me to have a meeting with anyone anywhere. And this one is for a class so I can get credits and graduate." I sighed and leaned back into Bucky. He squeezed my shoulders before pressing a kiss to my head. "It is going to be boring and I am not going to learn anything and I do not want to do this but I have to." Bucky chuckled and pressed another kiss to my head.

"Can I sit and watch?" He asked. I nodded before moving away from him. I heard Bucky grumble when his resting spot moved. A small smile grew on my face as I pulled another chair over to the desk. I made sure that the chair was far enough away so that Bucky would be comfortable and not appear in the camera.

"Here you go Buck." I said as I patted the seat. A kiss was pressed to my lips before Bucky took his seat. He watched me as the class started and I doodled in the notebook I had pulled out. Bucky moved his head to see it before grabbing a pencil off the desk and writing in the corner. I took a peek at it before biting my lip to hide my smile.

'Is this what you do in all your classes?' I subtly shook my head and wrote a quick note back.

'Just the ones that bore me half to death and have nothing to do with my major.' Bucky smiled and went back to watching the screen. As the material started to get more complicated and I started taking some notes for the work that was assigned, Bucky became more and more engrossed in what was happening on my screen. Before we knew it, we were breaking for lunch.

"So that's what you do in front of the computer all day." Bucky said as we made our lunch. I nodded and stole some of his chips.

"Yep." I said, shoving the chips in my mouth before Bucky could get them back. He gave me a playful scowl and I smiled back at him. "It's boring as hell and I hate it but at least I'm almost done with this crap." Bucky chuckled as he moved to the fridge.

"How much longer is it?" He asked. I shrugged as he set the cans of soda on the counter.

"A couple weeks I think. Kinda lost track of how long I have left." I mumbled.

"How could you lose track? I thought you had had a countdown since before this semester started." Bucky chuckled and bumped my shoulder. I bit my lip before taking a bit of my lunch.

"It's been hard Buck. Harder than I thought. Everything has been a mess and I almost can't keep up." I finally said. "I thought that this wouldn't drive me up a damn wall but here I am." Bucky watched me carefully before giving me a hug.

"You know I'm here for you right (Y/N)? Through thick and thin, I'll be here." He whispered into my head as I buried my face in his chest. His chin was on the top of my head again and he chuckled. "I didn't get an answer." I laughed softly as I nodded. Bucky laughed and pulled back. "You know that hurts when you do that right? Cause it does." I pulled away from Bucky and gave him a kiss.

"I hope that makes up for it." I said as I turned back to my lunch and continued eating. Bucky pressed a kiss to my cheek and started eating his own. When time was up, we returned to our seats and the class started again. About halfway through, a tap brought me back to the notebook.

'Do you actually understand any of this?' I quickly wrote my answer before returning to my notes.

'No. But as long as I can do the assignments I should be fine.' Bucky leaned forward and put his hand on his chin. I glanced over and quickly had to look away before I started laughing. Bucky looked as confused as I was. Once the class ended and I had started to work on my assignments, the confusion started to melt away.

"Looks like you understood it more than you thought you did." Bucky said as he pulled his seat closer to me.

"Not really. I'm just really good at bullshitting assignments." I said absentmindedly. "You wouldn't believe the amount of work I bullshit and still get top marks for." Bucky chuckled and watched as I turned in the completed assignment. I leaned back in my chair and ran a hand down my face.

"Doll, I'm proud of you." Bucky kissed my forehead before pulling me up. "Let's go celebrate."

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