David Bowie 3

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"David." I giggled as I walked into my boyfriend's office. I saw him stilling at the desk staring out the window. He had a lost look in his eyes and it seemed like he saw right through the world. I sighed and put on my best smile. It was times like these that tested my strength. The times when he needed me most and it was hard for me to begin with. He knew my baggage. "David? You ok?" I asked quietly as I made my way towards him. David looked up at me slightly, seeing me and yet looking through me. "Huh? Oh yeah I'm fine." His smooth accent nearly made me forget the reason I was having a conversation with him. I nodded and crossed my arms across my chest. "Uh huh. Sure you are." I said as I stated him down. David gazed up at me in silence. I sighed and ran a hand through my short hair. "David you know I know when something is up. So just spill already." David sighed and motioned for me to come closer. I got as close as I could: I sat in his lap. David smiled at me but I could tell it was strained. "I was just thinking about you and how to help you through whatever you are going through right now. I hate seeing you upset and it made me upset is all." David said, running a hand through my hair. I nodded and rested my head against his shoulder. "I'm sorry I unloaded all this onto you." I whispered. "Id rather you unload it onto me than keep it to yourself." David whispered back. "I can deal with it if I know what it is. I can make it better and that's what I'm gonna do." He kissed my head and I smiled. "Promise?" I asked, looking up at him with a childish look that made him smile. "Promise." David said.

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