Barhopping (John Constantine)

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Another lousy drink at another lousy bar. At least this one had decent music. The last bar my friends dragged me to was playing some country shit. I couldn't stand it and had waited for them outside. It only took them half an hour to call me to tell me they had met some hot guys and were thinking about asking them to join us. I glanced over at the dance floor to watch the group of four attempting to dance to the punk music that was blaring over the speakers. I shook my head as I looked back at my drink. Always the odd one out I was. I never really minded. Except for tonight for some reason. Sure I had better standards than just some pick up at a bar but I at least wanted someone to spend the night at the bar with. I sighed and took a drink before looking over at the guy at the end of the bar.

He had arrived not long after I had and, like me, made a beeline for the bar and ordered a beer right away. I had been looking at him all night. Didn't matter that it was slightly creepy. He was cute and wasn't saying anything about it even though I knew he had caught me looking a few times. The one time I knew for sure he caught me was when he had slightly raised his glass at me before taking a drink. Almost like a silent toast to being a loner. I sighed again when I thought about how I wouldn't even have a chance with that guy. I looked up to look at him again when I noticed he was gone and so was the trench coat that had been draped over the bar next to him. I let out of puff of air in disappointment and went to take another drink.

"'Cuse me. This seat taken?" I nearly jumped as I heard a Liverpool accent right next to me. I turned to look at who had spoken and was surprised to see it was the man I had been looking at all night. I shook my head.

"Nope." I said as I motioned for him to take the seat.

"Ta love." he said as he put his beer on the bar next to his trench coat. I had to take a deep breath to remind myself that a cute guy was indeed talking to me and asking to sit next to me. "So what's a pretty bird like you doing sitting all along at a bar?" I gently bit my lip and looked over at the dance floor again at the small group I had come in with.

"Well my friends, if you can call them that, decided a bar crawl would be a fun way to end the school year and well they're having fun." I said as I motioned over to them with the guys they had picked up. "Picked up those two guys at a country bar while I waited outside. I'm supposed to be the ride back to campus but I have a feeling they aren't going to need a ride." I paused to take a drink. "Not from me at least." I finished with a smirk at the double meaning. The guy next to me smirked.

"That sucks love." The guy said. I shrugged. I was used to it at this point. He watched my friends for a while before turning to me. "Care to have some fun of your own?" He asked. I looked at him with a raised eyebrow. "If you don't mind dancing with a stranger that is." He gave me a thin smile and I thought it over. True I didn't know him but my friends didn't know the guys they were dancing with. At least I didn't think they did. And he was cute and I needed, no deserved, to have some fun. I shrugged.

"Why not." I said as I stood up and took the guy's hand. We walked out onto the dance floor as the Sex Pistols started to play. I smiled as the guy put his hands on my waist and started to move to the music. "You've got to have been a punk at some point." I smiled at him.

"What makes you say that love?" He asked. I put my hands on his shoulders and leaned in a bit so he could hear me over the music.

"You can actually dance to this, unlike everyone else here." I shouted. He laughed and nodded.

"Aye. I was once upon a time." He confirmed. "Seems like you were too." I nodded and we continued to dance in silence. When the song changed we headed back to the bar. He ordered two more drinks and we sat down next to each other again. "So does the pretty punk have a name?" I blushed a little at the compliment and nodded.

"It's (Y/N). (Y/N) (Y/L/N)." I said. "What about you?" He nodded as well as he took a sip of his beer.

"John. John Constantine." He said.

"Like the emperor of Rome?" I asked. I blushed like crazy when I realized what I had just said. John looked like he was trying not to laugh, smiling and biting his lip.

"I guess you're right. Like the emperor of Rome." John said. He didn't seem phased by my remark. "Never had anyone make that connection before."

"Sorry. History major. Just kind of slipped out." I said as I quickly took a drink.

"It's fine. Kind of cute actually." John said, almost like he didn't mean for me to hear him.

"So you know why I'm all alone at the bar. Why are you?" I asked.

"Long day at work." He replied.

"I know how that is." I said as I waved down the bartender to get another drink. John looked over at me. "Add stupid friends on top of that and you have the story of my life." John chuckled and shook his head.

"I take it that group on the floor are the stupid friends." John said. I nodded.

"About as stupid as they get. Especially when there are hot guys and alcohol involved. It's why I always tag along." I said with a shrug. John was still watching the dance floor.

"Want to dance again?" John asked as he stood up and offered me his hand. "Show these poor blighters how to actually dance."

"Sure. I'll have some fun for once in my life." I said as I took his hand. John smiled as he led me back onto the dance floor. 

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