Christian bale 5

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"Christian!" I laughed as he walked into the room. There was makeup all over his face in the most unflattering way.

"What? It's for a photo shoot. Don't judge me. You know how I am." He Christian said, a smile making its way onto his face. "I do seem to have run into....." He trailed off.

"A bit of trouble?" I offered. Christian nodded. "Bring me the makeup. I'll help you." I said with a sigh.

"Thank you love. I knew I married you for a reason." Christian said as he kissed my cheek and dashed off to the bathroom. He came back quickly and plopped down in front of me. He had washed off all the makeup and that's when I noticed his hands.

"And nail polish." I giggled. "Christian, whatever am I going to do with you?" Christian laughed and smiled nervously.

"I know love I know. I'm a mess." Christian laughed. I smiled and picked up what I needed. Holding his head in place, I applied the eye shadow to his eyes and continued on with my work. "Thank you again for doing this. I love you so much." Christian's voice broke through my thoughts.

"I love you too. When I'm done, you are going to be prettier than any girl in the world." I said gaining a smile from Christian. I finally finished and wiped a bit of stray lipstick off Christian's lip. "All done. Go look." Christian got off the bed and looked.

"Oh my god." He muttered and came back to me. "If I was a girl would you date me?" He asked suddenly. I laughed and nodded.

"If you were and you looked as hot as you do now, then yes." I said and smiled at him. And it was the truth.


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