I Do (Leonard Snart)

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"I do."

Two little words. Sealing my fate to someone else's. Not just any someone else's. Leonard Snart's. Two little words and nothing else was more important than him.

Leonard looked down at my hand as he slide the ring onto my finger. I watched him as a small smile made its way onto his face. Then it was my turn. My hands were shaking so bad I was afraid I'd drop the ring. I held Leonard's hand in mine and he gently tapped his finger against my palm to let me know it was all ok. I slide the ring onto his finger and looked up as he looked up at me. 

I had never seen so much love and emotion in his eyes as I did at that moment

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I had never seen so much love and emotion in his eyes as I did at that moment. I bit my lip as I gave him a shy smile.

"You may kiss the bride." That was all it took for Leonard to pull me close and kiss me with everything he had. I wrapped my arms around his neck and held him close. It didn't matter that we were in a church. It didn't matter that there were people watching us. It was only me and Leonard. One kiss was all it took for my life to start.

(Flash forward to the reception)

Barry had been kind enough to let us use STAR Labs for our reception. Leonard and I sat at the table reserved for us as well as the best man, AKA Mick, and the maid of honor, Lisa. Leonard had succeeded in pulling me into his lap. Well as much as my dress allowed. I rested my head on his shoulder while he laughed at something Lisa had said. I wasn't really paying attention. I was watching Leonard. It was the first time I had ever seen him this relaxed and comfortable in public in a long time. It wasn't long before Lisa started hitting the side of her glass.

"Well as much as I would love to skip this and I'm sure these two would too," She said, gesturing to Leonard and me. "the speeches need to be done. Mick?" Mick grunted and Lisa rolled her eyes. "Ok. Looks like I'm going first." Everyone laughed. I looked up at Leonard who was watching his sister. There was a look on his face that seemed to warn her not to say anything too embarrassing. "As many of you here know, Lenny is my older brother. He practically raised me on his own. He did everything he could to make sure I was ok, even if that meant he would get hurt. It's been years since I've seen him this happy." Leonard looked down at me with a smile. Lisa turned to us. "(Y/N). He's this happy because of you. Ever since you stepped into our lives, it's been better. Thank you so much for everything you've done for Lenny. Things would definitely be different if you weren't here." I smiled at Lisa and gave her a nod. Leonard gently kissed my temple. "Ok Mick. Can't put it off any longer."

"That's a funny way of putting it. Stepping into our lives." Mick said. I let out a laugh and rolled my eyes. I knew what he was going to say. "It was more like Snart dragged her into it. Literally. She was unconscious when he decided to take her hostage. Not our fault by the way." This last comment was directed at Barry who was glaring at Leonard. "When (Y/N) finally came around, she was so involved with us already it just seemed natural to let her stick around. Of course we almost kicked her out once the cops found out where we were. But count on Snart to pick the worst possible time to get the girl." There was a round of laughter and I watched as Leonard's cheeks turned a slight pink. "But he did. And here we are two years later. So if everyone would join me in a toast." Mick and Lisa held up their glasses.

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