My bed (Elwood Blues)

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I hadn't meant to but it just kind of happened. I had fallen asleep on my boyfriend's bed. The bed that was too small for the two of us. In the apartment that was too small for him. Let alone the brother he was going to bring back the next day. It wasn't even late. The day had just been exhausting for me. I couldn't even tell when I had fallen asleep. I just knew that I had.

"(Y/N)?" Elwood asked. He looked over at his bed when I didn't answer. "That's my bed!" I shifted onto my side and tucked my hands under my arms. Elwood sighed and threw the blanket over me. "Guess you need it more than me." He muttered as he went back to making his toast. He knew it was going to be a long night.

I groaned as I rolled over. The trains kept coming by, something I was used to by now. Spending so much time in Elwood's tiny apartment meant getting used to the El going by every second. The sun was taking some getting used to though. The first thing I noticed was the blanket that was pulled up to my chin. The second thing was Elwood sleeping in a chair with his feet up on the bed. I smiled as I watched him sleep for a bit. Then I carefully climbed across the bed and climbed over the foot of the bed. I quietly hummed "Sweet Home Chicago" while I started to make us breakfast. Well, Elwood's equivalent of breakfast: white toast. Dry. Behind me, Elwood was stirring. He watched me cook for a little while before getting up. I jumped a little when I felt him hug me from behind.

"You took my bed last night." He muttered in my ear. I giggled and turned around to look at him.

"I know. I'm sorry. I didn't know I was that tired." I apologized. Elwood smiled at me.

"Just don't let it happen again." He teased. I laughed.

"You say that every time I fall asleep in your bed!" I accused. Elwood kissed my cheek and reached behind me to flip the toast before it burnt.

"And yet you still fall asleep in my bed." Elwood joked. I shook my head.

"Your an idiot, you know that?" I said. Elwood shrugged and leaned down to kiss me.

"I don't care." He said and kissed me. 

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