Move in (John Constantine)

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I looked over at John and found him giving me a look that all but begged me to end him. I rolled my eyes and mouthed "no" to him. John pouted and turned back to the teacher who was droning on and on about something stupid that I had stopped listening to long ago. I jotted down the notes that were on the board because I knew both John and I wouldn't remember any of this class later. I could see John's head fall back and I had to bite my lip to stop myself from laughing. John held up five fingers so only I could see. I sighed and nodded. I could see John's foot tapping and mine matched the beat he set. Time was ticking for us to get to John's gig. Mucous Membrane was going to perform tonight. Neither one of us could wait. John hoped someone would be there to possible sign the band to a deal. I was hoping to make a music video for them and finally get a photo for the cover of their album. The bell rang and John grabbed my hand, dragging me out into the hall. He stopped at our lockers and pushed me against his. His lips met mine quickly and then he was pulling away to open my locker where his change of clothes was.

"Cheers for letting me use your locker for storage luv." John said as he pulled on his leather jacket.

"No problem. Now move over. I need to get my camera." I replied. John pouted as I reached around him to pull out the camera. I stuck my tongue out at him as I hung it around my neck. John poked my side as he opened his locker to grab our backpacks.

"Come on luv. Chaz is probably waiting for us." John said as he grabbed my hand.

"Are Gaz and Rich coming with or meeting us there?" I asked as John pulled me behind him and out of the school.

"Dunno. Guess we'll find out." John said as he slowed down as we neared Chaz's car.

"Better hope they'll be there ya stupid Scouse git." I joked. John stuck his tongue out at me and I kissed his cheek. "But your my stupid Scouse git." I whispered. John turned a little pink and quickly popped the trunk to hide his face from Chaz.

"Hi John." Chaz teased when John opened the passenger door.

"Bollocks." John muttered, knowing Chaz had seen it all. "Hi (Y/N). Ready for tonight?"

"You know it!" I cheered as I got in the back.

"Gaz and Rich coming Chaz?" John asked as Chaz started the car.

"Nope. Meeting us there." Chaz answered. "Aren't you two changing?" John nodded as he picked up the bag at his feet.

"Course. Wouldn't be caught dead on that stage without looking like i belong there." John scoffed. I nodded.

"And I need to look as good as he does if I'm taking pictures of all you on stage." I said as I moved over so John could climb over the seat. We changed as Chaz drove us to the pub John was playing at.

"Ere you go luv." John said as he handed me the eyeliner. I nodded as I took it and drew a pentagram on his bare chest. "That's not what I meant luv!" John cried as he quickly tried to tug his shirt over his head.

"Shoulda waited to give it to me then." I laughed as I caught Chaz's eye. Chaz shook his head as I put the eyeliner on John. It wasn't long after that we got to the pub. "I need to make sure the camera's working." I said. John nodded as he lit a cigarette.

"Go ahead Chaz. We'll be in soon." John said as he tilted his head back and shoved his hands in his pockets.

"Something's not right." I said as I walked up to him. I quickly ran my fingers through his hair and made it spike up a bit.

"Better?" John asked. I nodded.

"Better." I took a couple of pictures before John held his hand out to me.

"Ready luv?" He asked. I nodded. We went inside to see Gaz and Rich already setting up with Chaz. John kissed my cheek and started off towards the boys. "See ya after the show luv!" John called over his shoulder.

"Break a leg Constantine!" I called back to him before turning my attention to the only other person in the pub; Anne Marie. "Ello Annie." I said as I sat down next to her. "Missed you at school." She scoffed.

"Yeah right. You only go cuz your folks make ya and John's only there cuz of you." Anne Marie said. I shrugged.

"Guilty. But still. We still missed you." I put my arm around her. "Wanna help me set up?" I asked. Anne Marie nodded and we went off to get ready for the night ahead.

"Ya think John will get signed tonight?" Anne Marie asked.

"I hope so Annie. This occult stuff can't last forever and even if it does, it costs money." I said. Anne Marie nodded. "What you think Annie?"

"I hope so too. For both of you." I looked at her confused. "You'll find out." I shrugged it off until after the show. We were front row like always. I was snapping pictures of the band as John sang his heart out. The night went by fast and John rushed up to me, covered in sweat and still high off being onstage.

"Guess what (Y/N)!" John yelled over the music.

"You got signed?" I yelled back. John shook his head.

"No but we got a demo next week in London!" He was smiling like a mad man.

"That's great!" I cheered. John hugged me and kissed my cheek.

"I've got even better news luv." John said as he pulled me out the back door.

"What's that John?" I asked as the cool air hit us. John saw me shiver and shrugged off his jacket. He wrapped it around me before he answered.

"Chaz is moving out of his flat now that he's got Rene. So I thought that I could finally get out of the hell I have to call home. Then an even better idea crossed me mind." John said.

"And what was that better idea John Constantine?" I laughed at his excitement.

"Move in with me." John said. I raised my eyebrows.

"Did Annie know about this?" I asked. John nodded.

"She suggested it."

"No wonder she was so cryptic earlier." I muttered.

"So what do you say luv? Move in with me?" John asked, using his puppy dog eyes, even though he didn't have to. I nodded.

"Of course I will!" I hugged him tightly.

"I love you (Y/N)." John whispered.

"I love you too John." I whispered back. John pulled back and kissed me before taking me back inside to get the flat keys from Chaz. 

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