David Bowie 6

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You cheered with the rest of the audience as your favorite musician ever took the stage with a guitar in his hands. You smiled as you were in the front row, directly in front of David Bowie. He smiled out at the audience and you started to jump slightly with anticipation. "Hello." David said and started the show. About half way through, he announced your favorite song. "Uh so next I'm gonna play space oddity." He said and started to play. "Ground control to major tom. Ground control to major tom...." He sang as you sang along. His eyes drifted over the audience singing along with him when his eyes rested on you. Not like you noticed as you were too busy getting lost in the music. The song ended and David stood up. "We're gonna take a little break but I'll be back." He said and sent a wink in your direction. This time you noticed and blushed like mad. As he made his way off the stage, he motioned for you to follow him. Looking around you pointed at yourself and he nodded. Eyes wide, you took off after him. You met him around the corner from the stage. "Hi." You whispered when you saw him. "Hi." He answered. "How are you liking the concert so far?" You smiled wide. "I love it." You answered. "I especially loved the last song you played. It's my favorite. Ever." "Nice to know. What's your name love?" David asked. You blushed at the name. "(Y/n)." You answered. David smiled and nodded. "Beautiful name for a beautiful girl." He said. "Call me David." He held out his hand and you placed yours in his. He gently brought your hand to his lips and gently kissed your knuckles. You blushed and thought 'always the gentleman.' David smiled at you but the smile fades when someone told him he had only a couple of minutes until he had to go back it. "Damn." He muttered. Reaching into his pocket, he pulled out a piece of paper and a pen. Scribbling on it quickly, he handed the paper to you, folded of course. "If you call I won't hesitate to answer." He said with a smile. He kissed your cheek before hurrying back onto the stage. You opened the paper to see his number with an autograph at the bottom. You couldn't help but smile at his handwriting and you gazed out at the man on the stage who smiled right back at you.

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