I've Got you Babe (James Spader)

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It had happened again. Everyone was yelling and there didn't seem to an end in sight. I bit my thumb nail as I looked around the table of people continuing to get at each other's throats. My eyes settled on my boyfriend James across the table from me. Somehow something I had said, one tiny little comment I had made, set everyone off. That seemed to be the trend lately. My mom turned towards me and gave me a look. I raised an eyebrow at her.

"Yeah?" I asked, nervous for what the reaction would be.

"And what do you think about all this?" She asked, gesturing to the table.

"All what?" I asked, shooting a look at James. He looked at me apologetically.

"All what?" My mom scoffed. "All that you just started." I bit my nail again.

"I didn't mean to." I said quietly. "I didn't think it was a controversial topic. I didn't..." I trailed off as I saw the look on everyone's face. I bowed my head and preoccupied myself with my napkin. "I'm sorry. I'm very sorry." I abruptly stood up and backed away from the table. "I'm sorry." I continued to apologize as I backed out of the room. Once I had gone through the doorway, I turned and walked outside as fast as I could. Once I reached the back porch, I leaned on the railing and put my head in my hands. I let the tears finally spill over, my shoulders shaking with the effort of keeping quiet. I shook my head as I wiped my eyes, hoping to at least curb some of the tears. They wouldn't stop and I let out a breathy sob as I felt my chest tighten. "Oh God. Why me?" A sob broke through at full volume and my shoulders continued to shake. Straightening up, I wiped at my eyes again. I turned towards the door, thinking I would head inside and hide in my room until it was all over. I stopped when I saw James standing there, watching me with a sad look on his face.

"I'm not God and I don't have an answer," he said as he walked out to join me against the railing. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into his chest. "But I do know that it isn't your fault. They were looking for a fight and all you did was provide a topic that they felt could be turned into an argument." I burrowed into his embrace and tightened my grip on him. James buried his face in my hair. "You are not at fault. I know it feels like it but it just isn't true babe." James ran his fingers through my hair and gently swayed back and forth.

I gripped the back of his shirt as I struggled to ground myself again. I felt James shift his hold on me so he could hold me a little tighter. He pressed several kisses to my head over the next several minutes as I slowly stopped crying. James's hand slipped out of my hair and gently pulled me away from him. I glanced at him as he gently cupped my cheeks and wiped the remaining tears off my cheekbones. I leaned into his touch as he looked at me lovingly. He brushed some hair out of my face and smiled at me.

"You're too good for me." I whispered as I put my hands on his chest. "You know that?" James chuckled.

"Do you remember when we were strangers?" he intoned. I giggled as I pulled him closer, moving my hands to rest at the back of his neck. "The thought of following you anywhere would have terrified me. Especially if you were crying." James smiled and moved his hands to my waist.

"It still terrifies you." I teased, running a finger below his collar. He cocked his head to the side.

"True." He admitted. "But not as much as it would have. Ask me again in a couple of years and it won't be as scary as now." I smiled as I rested my head on his shoulder.

"Promise?" I asked. James kissed the top of my head.

"I promise." He whispered back, resting his cheek on my head. We stayed like that for several minutes before he spoke again. "You know they kept arguing even after you left." I hummed in response. "Yeah. Except now it was over who's fault it was you ran out." I lifted my head off his chest.

"James, tell me they didn't blame you." I eyed him carefully. "And don't you far lie to me." James looked at me with what the critics called his romantic look. My critical gaze softened under that look as James drew me closer.

"No they didn't." he kissed my forehead. He chuckled as he didn't move. "I would have given them hell if they did. I think your dad might have done that after he sent me after you."

"What happened to our five minute agreement?" I chuckled. James smiled at the sound.

"He wouldn't listen." James pulled back to look at me. "He said 'Jimmy, she/he needs you now. Don't make her/him wait five minutes for you.' So I came out here for you." James started swaying again, softly humming completely off key and out of tune. "I know it's shit but it keeps you happy so I'm doing it." He laughed as I had moved so my ear was pressed against his chest.

"I never said anything about it." I laughed. "I'm just getting more comfortable."

"Right." He teased. "Because putting the side of your head against my chest is more comfortable." I nodded in his warm embrace.

"It is if I want to hear your heartbeat." I muttered as I tugged him closer. "Now go back to your humming and I don't care how bad you think you are," I kissed him. "I love it." James chuckled as I took up my place on his chest and he started humming again. I put my hands in his back pockets to pull him even closer.

"Watch it babe." James chuckled. "Your dad might catch that." I smiled contently.

"So what." I scoffed.

"He already knows." A voice from the house stirred James and I out of our revire. We looked to the doorway and I smiled when i saw my dad standing there. He had a smile on his face so I knew I wasn't in trouble. "It's fine. Everyone's been young and in love before." I took my hands out of James's posckets and he moved next to me, wrapping an arm around my shoulders. "Feeling better (Y/N)?" I nodded before looking over at James.

"Much better." I smiled as James pressed a kiss to my temple. "Thanks for sending him after me. Even if it hadn't been five minutes." My dad laughed and came onto the porch.

"Well, he may know you pretty well but he doesn't know you as well as I do." My dad winked at me before patting James on the shoulder. "But he sure does know what to do to make you feel better." I smiled at my dad before turning to gaze lovingly at James.

"That he does." I kissed James as my dad went back into the house, quietly closing the back door behind him and turning on the fairy lights in the backyard. I couldn't ask for a more romantic setting to end the worst night possible. 

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