chapter 1 meeting the boys (edit)

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Unknown pov:

"Are you out of your fucking mind!" my brother yelled. Here we go again.

"Calm down son, you knew this was coming." my dad said calmly.  How can he be so calm? We are all fuming.

"Dad why do we have to go back to the human world, don't u remember the last time we went there? We didn't find her." I said calmly.

The last time we went to search for a suitable queen in the human world we failed. All those human girls are either to dense for my liking or to much of a gold digger. Not once did I find a girl that was suitable to be by my side ruling of my kingdom. Same thing with my brothers, Although one of my brothers "thought" they found one, but that turned out to be a fail. Story for another time I guess

"Dad I have to agree with them, all those human girls are the same" my youngest brother said. I mean he's not wrong. The first time we all went to America, but the second time dad send us all to an individual country around the world. For example I was send to Spain. But we still didn't found one.

"Can't we just look here again?" my oldest brother said.

"Again, AGAIN! you five had looked at all the princesses, commoners and even slaves we have here and y'all rejected ALL of them! So no we are not gonna look here again". Damn, he's getting mad. Dad is a really calm and chill kind of guy so for him to be this angry it must be serious. I mean I don't blame him, we've been really picky with the girls. It was only a matter of time for dad to snap.

"They weren't the o-" my brother got cut off, shit he's really pissed now. Dad never cuts of us he finds it disrespectful if we do it with him, so he doesn't do it with us.

"Not the ONE, please don't make me laugh. Do you think your mother was the ONE  for me?" He laughed. We all looked sad at him. dad never loved mom but he had to marry her for the kingdom. He couldn't become king without a queen. Mom of course didn't love him either, the only thing she cared for was power. and oh she got power.

"You are all getting of age, you NEED  a queen to rule over your kingdom. Y'all are to stubborn to find a queen here, so i'm taking drastic measures over here. You'll find a queen in the human world and that's final. Go packed your bags, I've already arranged a house in the human world, you all will leave tonight".

We all looked shocked at him. tonight already? As my dad walked to the door to leave he stopped and looked at all of us. "Oh before I forget, you will not leave before you find a queen. If I find you back here there will be consequences." And with that he left. We all had a different reactions to the news. My younger brother was fuming, while me and my older brother were calm about it. And my youngest brother looked like he could cry at any moment, poor guy.

"He can't be fucking serious now can he?" my younger brother sneered.

"For once I think he's serious" I said. "This is fucking bullshit, we're in the the fucking 21st century and we still need a queen to rule?" My hotheaded brother said.

"You know he's old fashioned brother, there is nothing we can do about it." I said. 

"Were would we even be going, dad never told us that?" my youngest brother asked timidly.



"We're going to Belgium, and that's not all we're going to school as well" My oldest brother said. Oh boy, don't get me wrong I don't mind going to school. But my brothers have another opinion about this.

"SCHOOL, we haven't been to school in centuries how does that asshole think we can go back to one, not to fucking mention in Belgium! Do I look like I can speak... Whatever language they speak there" My hotheaded brother yelled.

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