Chapter 18: max's favorite movie (edit)

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Anisa POV:

"We have to buy mickey ears first for the ultimate disney experience!" Aki said.

"Omg yes! That's an amazing idea come on guys!" I said while pulling aki with me to the store.

"Hell no! I'm not doing that!" I heard max yell from behind me. Sighing I turn around to face him, crossing my arms I glare at him. "You can glare at me all you want, I'm not doing such childish thing"

"just look around, and if you don't find one to your liking, you can go without one" I hugged him, putting my chin on his chest looking up at him.

"Tsk fine, not that I'm gonna find one" he said while pushing me away. Muttering a asshole, I walk inside with the rest. I already knew what type of ears I wanted to buy. My favorite Disney movie is Peter Pan, but I really wanted haunted mansion ears, so I'm gonna buy those. Finally finding them, I saw the rest of the guys already walking outside with their ears.

Walking to the register I see max staring at these specific ears. Looking closer I saw that they are beauty and the beast ones. Oh he likes beauty and the beast hu? Walking to him I lean closer to him. "So beauty and the beast hu, you got taste in movies ma dude" I said with a smile. The smile that ones was on Max's face disappeared when he saw me, replacing the smile with a scowl.

"I don't like beauty and the beast that movie is for girls!" He scoffed, putting his hands in his pocket.

"You don't have to be ashamed you know" I said while crossing my arm. Stubborn little fuck that you are!

"I'm not ashamed cause I don't like the movie! End of story! *sigh* I didn't find ears, I'm going outside"

"fine, your choice" sneakily grabbing the pair I hide it behind my back. I'm gonna buy these for him wether he likes it or not. He gave the ears one final look and with that he left. Quickly walking to the register I pay for max and my ears. Asking for a bag for Max's, I walk outside wearing my ones. The guys all wore different type of ears

Jacob had these loki inspired Mickey ears. Aidan had these beautiful flower type of ears that might be coco inspired. Damian had Star Wars ears that you could light up. He had to be extra like that. And Aki of course had ratatouille inspired ones. "Omg you guys I really like y'all's ears" I said with a big smile.

"Thanks anisa, I really like yours as well" Aidan said. Walking up to max I hand him the bag. He looked at me suspicious like there was a bomb or something. "Just open it you ass!" I said while crossing my arms with a smirk.

Max slowly opened the bag and looked inside. He froze when he saw what was inside. Slowly taking it out he kept looking between me and the ears. "I saw you staring at them so I bought them" I said with a proud smile.

"Those are really pretty max! I really like those. They fit you" aki said with a smile to max. Max was still staring at the ears which made me a bit uneasy.

"Bring them back"

"excuse me?"

"bring them back! I said I didn't want any so give me the receipt so I can bring it back" is this boy for real. Did he really think I didn't see the small smile on his face when he was staring at them?

"I didn't ask for a receipt, for this exact reason" if looks could kill I would be dead right now.

"Come on max just wear them, we're all in this togheter!" Damian started singing. Max just huffed while he pulled the tag of of the ears and put them on. Score!! We started walking to the park when max pulled me back.

"I uh, t-thank you. For the ears" max said embarrassed.

"Don't Worry about it, I knew you wouldn't buy them on your own" I said while smiling. "Question though, if you liked them so much, why didn't you just buy them?" I asked confused. This made max really uncomfortable, he started fumbling with his fingers. Something I've never seen him do. Max is always so confident. A little to much sometimes . So seeing max like this is weird

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