Chapter 24: escaped... for now (edit)

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Anisa pov:

I'm absolutely terrified right now. 3 people from my class had been murdered. 3 fucking people! Why is the killer targeting my class... okay I can understand why, but why! Walking to class I saw other students avoiding me. Everybody thinks that if they get involved with our class that they will be killed as well. So they avoid us like the plague.

not that I care mind you

"Hey my beautiful nugget!"

"Hey damian" I laughed, while punching his arm. We both walked into class. Barely anybody was there, a lot of classmates decided on skipping school as long as the killer is on the loose.

Me, sophie, mirthe were the only girls coming to school, some guys stayed as well. In total we were with 9 from the 19 students.

"Anisa!" Aki yelled in happiness, doing little grabby hands towards me. Walking to him, I sat on his lap, him hugging me. Our teacher then walked in, and sighed when she saw the number of students.

"Well the amount was the be expected" She sighed setting her stuff ready. Sitting back into my seat I grabbed my book.

"Can I interrupt?" A voice said at the door. Looking I saw the principal standing their. She then walked in and stood in front of the class.

"As you all know, their is a killer on the loose that is targeting your class. I already see that a lot of students stayed home. And we talked with the police, and they advised us to let you stay home for safety reasons, until the killer is caught."

"So do we have to go home now?" Nick a guy in my class asked.

"No you can stay today, after today you can stay home" And with that she left.

It left me chocked, I didn't know it was this bad! Oh well, online lessons it is then. I fuxking hate online lessons! Looking beside me I saw Sophie silently celebrating. The guys looked wide eyed at the news, why are they THIS chocked? it was to be expected.


"I don't understand why they didn't just e-mail us this news. They must of know this longer" Mirthe sighed in annoyance. We basically came to school for nothing.

"shit! I forgot my jacket in the classroom. You guys go ahead, I'm gonna quickly get it." They both nodded before leaving. If I ask Sophie to come with me right now she'll kill me, she's hella hungry and to make her wait longer is like a suicide mission.

Walking down the hallway I heard angry voices coming from the end of it. Silently walking further I recognized the voices to be from Max and Jacob.

I know I shouldn't eavesdrop but meh

"This is fucking bad you guys! How are we gonna kill them now? I don't fucking know where they live" Max yelled in annoyance.

"That's your problem? How are we gonna take Anisa when she's home 24/7?!" Jacob yelled back. Take me? what the hell do they mean with that? my red flags from before are coming back.

"she uhm, oh she could come follow class at our place" Aki said.

"Her mom would never allow that you fucking idiot!"

"Yeah I don't know what to do either. I'm just trying to help" Aki yelled.

"We are just gonna take her after school" Aidan said. They are gonna take me? but why!?

"And then what?"

"Never let her leave again, she'll be ours"

Oh hell no, these guys yandere. How have I never noticed it, I can see the red flags now. Shit, fuck what am I suppose to do? Maybe leave first, yeah thats it. And then I'll move to the north pool.

Slowly stepping away, I stepped on a leaf that blew in. Crunching underneath my shoe. Shit!

"Who's there?"

Oh fuck it. RUN BITCH RUN!

running down the stairs I heard footsteps following me. Shit I'm not that fast, and they are like fucking gods in sport. Running to my history room, I closed the door. This room has a emergency ladder, you end up at the back of the school. I've read enough wattpad stories to know what to do and what not.

Opening the window, I climbed down the stairs. Running through the parking lot, I already felt out of breath. I really need to work out like damn. Running to the bus stop I see my friends still eating lunch.

Running to them, I stopped in front of them panting.

"Girl what the hell did you do?" sophie asked me in confusion.

"I ran, more importantly. The guys are yandere and are after me, cover me!" And with that I ran. Mirthe looked confused but Sophie understood me.

I really had great luck, cause my bus just arrived. Jumping in I hid away so that they couldn't see me. The bus started driving when I saw the guys running down the square. Ducking down, I stayed like that until I knew I was 'safe'.

this can't be happening right now. This just can't be real. This is stuff that happens in a movie or a wattpad story. Not something that would happen in real life! So why is this happening to me!?

Aidan pov:

Fuck anisa heard everything we said! Shit this ruins everything! We all split up trying to find her. She's not a fast runner so she can't be far. And she's not that sportive so she probably stopped somewhere to take a breath.

Running to the history room, I saw the window slightly opened. Sniffing the window I smelt Anisa's perfume.


Giving my brothers a mind message, I climbed down the stairs following her scent. Running further, I saw my brothers running towards me.

"She's here somewhere"

"Maybe she's down the square" Damian said. We started running again, seeing the square we ran faster. There we saw Sophie and Mirthe eating lunch, no anisa in sight. where the hell is she?

"Hey sophie, mirthe have you seen Anisa?" I asked, faking a pant.

"No not yet, she went to grab her jacket at school. We haven't seen her since. Why?" Sophie said taking a bite out of her sandwich.

"No reason" I smiled. I then felt Aki grab my arm. Looking at him he motioned towards a bus. It was Anisa her bus! Could she be in it? Sniffing I smelt her scent coming from the bus.

"Well if you see her , tell her we went home. You know with this whole killer thing" They both nodded and we left. Walking to our car we all stepped in.

"So she escaped huh?" Max smirked, grabbing the steering weal.

"I guess she did, but not for long"

A/n: Hey guys I'm back! I know it's been a while since I uploaded a new chapter on this story. I just had a massive writers block on this story. I've also been really busy with my other story (todobakudeku x oc) You should check that one out if you like omegaverse and mha

〜( ̄▽ ̄〜)

Anywho, hope you still enjoy this story, I know this chapter was a bit short, but next chapters will be longer.    Bye bye

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