chapter 71: like father like son

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Anisa pov:

"c-charlotte? this is not possible. You died, I saw your dead body!" Jacob yelled, tears forming in his eyes.

"oh honey, I never mend to hurt you. I'll explain everything. But I first wanna see the others" She said, cupping jacob's cheek. Jacob held her hand, a tear streaming down her face. "come on" She whispered. charlotte walked up front, looking at everything around her. Much has changed since she was 'alive'.

"Jacob are you okay?" I asked him, squeezing his hand.

"S-she's alive. but how? Anisa I don't understand" He said frustrated.

"She'll explain everything Jacob" I said, kissing his hand. Walking towards the throne room, charlotte stood still in front of it. "Charlotte are you okay?" I asked her

"I'm nervous that's all" She smiled. Opening the door, everybody turned to us. Looking at aki and max they were both frozen in their spot, mouths wide open in shock.

"m-mom?" Aki whimpered. "mom!" He yelled, stumbling over while sobbing. He ran towards her pulling her into a tight hug. Max came running to, hugging both his mother and brother. Damian and Aidan didn't move, to shocked by what they saw.

"Mom how? How are you alive?" Max asked her.

"Oh honey, i'll explain everything in a minute. First let me look at you. Oh you two have grown so much. I'm so proud of you. finally kings, found a beautiful wife, say do you have kids?"

"No!" I quickly choked out. "no kids" I awkwardly laughed. I'm so not ready for kids yet.

"Aidan, Damian, come here I wanna give you a hug" She called them over. Damian came crying, pulling her into a tight hug.

"H-hey mom" He cried. Oh yeah I forget, they all saw her as their mom.

"Oh look at your hair, it's just as vibrant as Elisabeth's hair used to be" She said, ruffling his hair. "And Aidan, so have gotten so tall" She said now hugging Aidan

"mommy!" Tommy ran over

"Oh look at you! You've become such a big boy" Charlotte said, as she crouched down to hug tommy. "All my boys together. Never thought I'd ever see that again."

"Son, what is going on here?" I heard satan say from his throne as he stepped into the room. Everybody parted ways so he could see Charlotte. "it can't be" He said in shock

Satan fell to his knees, still looking at Charlotte. Tears streamed down his face, as his hands were shaking. Charlotte ran to him, falling right into his embrace. Satan held her tight, not letting her go any time soon.

"My darling, my sweet darling. I thought you died! Never leave me again!" He cried, kissing her all over her face. The site made me cry. They are so in love, and they had to be apart for so long. And still, satan's feelings never changed.

"I guess I should tell what happened" Charlotte said to everybody. We all grabbed pillows, sitting on the ground. Satan his legs still felt like jelly, so he just hugged charlotte from behind, holding her close to him.

"I never died from an illness. Lillith was slowly poisoning me with some type of gas. it weakened me, but it kept me in a dead like state. My body alive yet dead, kinda like the vampires have. She then trapped me in an ice block." She said

"I'm gonna kill her" Satan growled, his wings sprouting, surrounding charlotte in an protective embrace. "Anisa my question is, how did you find her? also in a block only YOU were able to destroy" Satan started growling at me, his eyes completely black.

Max growled back at him, holding a hand in front of me. I could feel the ground slightly shake. Wait, is satan actually blaming me for his wife to disappear for years!?Cause I hope not, I wasn't even born yet when Charlotte 'died'

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