Chapter 51: test drive

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Anisa pov:

"That ice dragon has ruined our crops with it's icy breath. we'd be happy if you took it back" The griffin leader sneered at me. Me and aki both flew to the griffin clan to get my dragon. Only the second the clan leader saw me, he started rambling to me how much he hates icy. Like I'm at fault. I didn't even know I had a fucking dragon. 

"klaus, I'm very sorry about my dragon. I just figured out I had one. If you would just show me where she is, I can fetch her and leave you alone" I sighed, leaning back into my chair. 

"It's Lord klaus for you." Klaus sneered again. Is this guy for real right now? 

"Klaus, that is no way to talk to your future queen" Aki snapped at him. Klaus looked taking aback by this. 

"But my king, she's not my queen" Klaus argued

"But she will be. I'll let this slide for today, but it won't happen again!" Klaus quickly nodded. And I thought the air clan was the nicest. Klaus is a dick. 

"REBEKAH! Show them where the ice dragon is" Klaus yelled for a maid. Hold it in anisa, don't laugh. He already hates you cause of icy, don't make it worse by comparing him to klaus from the vampire diaries. Anisa don't do it!

"pfffft!" I let a giggle slip. 

I'm so fucked.

Luckily rebekah came just as klaus was to ask me what was wrong. Following her, she brought us to a mountain. It was a huge mountain, and the top was covered in snow. 

"The dragon is in the cave at the top of the moutain" Rebekah said. Aki nodded, and she quickly left. Sprouting my wings, me and aki started flying up

"Anisa, I want to apologize for klaus. He's usually not like this, he's actually really nice. This whole 'dragon destroyed our crops' thing is really bothering him" Aki said

"It's okay, I guess. I did really want to smack him" I pouted. Like he was just asking for it. I get your crops are fucked cause of my dragon, but why you blame me? Don't you think that if i knew I had a dragon that I would keep him, I don't know in the fucking castle!?

"Same" Aki chuckled. Flying up a bit more we arrived at the cave. At this point it was freezing. I wish I brought a jacket right now. Aki clothes already turned into his armor to keep him warmer. I don't have mine yet so I can't do the same. 

Walking into the cave, I barely saw anything. It was pitch black in there. If only we had jacob right now. At least he could make us a torch.  And he could warm me up cause I'm freezing my none-existing balls off. 

"I uhm... hello! Icy the dragon!?" I yelled through the cave

"Are you for real? Have you never watched a horror movie!?" Aki scolded me

"What else was I suppose to say?! Hey icy, I'm anisa and I just found out that I'm the new water clan leader, and ey you are my protection pet, but you're also here fucking up the crops so I came to find you in this cold dark scary fucking cave?"

"You're the new water clan leader?"

"Well duh , don't you read the news? So aki like I was saying.............................? " WHere did that voice come from?

"You're a funny one, I like you" I voice from the darkness said. Slowly turning towards it, two bright blue eyes were staring right at me. This is the day I'm gonna die right? The ice came closer, making raiser sharp teeth visible. Yup I'm definitely gonna die.

Now fully out of the dark stood an icy blue dragon staring right through my soul. How am I suppose to train this beast? Like I'm not hiccup! Trying to grab aki's hand, I couldn't feel him anywhere. Where is he?! *GASP* that motherfucker left without me! TRAITOR!

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