chapter 65: oh boy

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Anisa pov:

Ugh I have a massive headache. What did I even do to get it? all I remember is going to the halloween party and then waking up naked in max his bed. max couldn't remember anything as well. only thing we know is that we have massive headaches

"Goodmorning anisa!" Aki cheered seeing me. holding my hands over my ears, I groaned in pain.

"Aki, please keep it down a bit. I have a massive headache" I said as I sat next to him in my usual spot at the table. seeing the plate of pancakes in front of me made me almost puke. I can't even think about eating those right now

"you need anything?" Aidan asked me as he squeezed my hand. nodding, the familiar healing plant grew in front of me. Holding out my tongue, I let a drop fall onto it. I immediatly felt better.

"fuck, it's way to bright in here" Max groaned as he walked in. he gagged seeing the pancakes in front of him. he harsly pushed them away, holding his head in his hands. "aidan, I need that healing plant now"

"nah" Aidan said as he chewed on his food

"Excuse me? I have a massive headache over here so give me that plant!"

"no" Aidan shrugged

"But you gave it to anisa?!"

"so?" aidan asked. you would think aidan is the most level headed person here person here. But he sure knows how to make a fight. and he does this a lot. He really likes to annoy his brothers. it's funny sometimes but not now. I'm to tired for this.

"just fucking give it already! if you gave it to her give it to me!" max yelled, slamming his hands on the table.

"anisa is my wife. and as far as I know, I didn't marry you. That would be incest. and I know it's pretty normal here in the demon world to keep our bloodline clean. But I wouldn't want to be caught dead fucking you" aidan said.

"you wanna fucking die!" max yelled. He's really acting like bakugou right now. it's annoying.

"Max please shut up. drink some gatorade or something. I've heard that helps with a hangover" Aki groaned in annoyance

"Hangover? The fuck you mean with hangover?" me and max asked at the same time. Both me and max woke up with a headache, but now aki is saying it's a hangover? But that's not possible cause I don't drink alcohol. max could have a hangover, but for me it's not possible.

"You two were drunk last night." Jacob said as he drank his coffee

"That's not possible. I don't drink alcohol" I said.

"well you were. and the things you guys said last night made me question your sanity" he chuckled. what the hell did I say!? I hope it's not to embarrassing

"but, I don't understand. I didn't drink any alcohol. I only drank the punch. and I couldn't even taste any alcohol. perseus drank it as well and he was fine" I said confused.

"Damian, why don't you explain to your lovely wife how she got drunk from the punch?"aidan grinned at damian. Looking at him he avoided my gaze. what is he hiding?

"Damian, what did you do?" I asked him

"I may or may not have fed you guys....fairy jui...." he said whispering the last part




"Fairy juice!" He yelled, quickly closing his eyes and holding his hands over his face.

"You did what!?" Max yelled at him.

"What is fairy juice?" I asked in confusion. Is it a type of drugs or something?

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