Chapter 53: i guess i have a new clan

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Anisa pov:

Where am I? I've been flying for so long now that I don't even recognize anything. Am I still within hell borders? Or am I in nobodysland? Nobody's land is a piece of land that isn't owned by demons or angels. But is that this? I have no clue to be honest. I should just turn back, I have a bad feeling about this. I've giving the guys enough time to reflect on their stupid ideas.

Turning around, I stopped mid air when I heard a painful howl. Where did that come from? Turning back around I saw two figures walking from the trees holding a wolf. The two man were kicking and slapping the wolf, giving him no space to breath. What the hell?! That wolf looked To be a pup! How could they do this to a baby!? Looking closer at the men I saw that they had elf ears. But they couldn't possible be from aidans clan. Angels have elf to! So they are attacking one of the demon clans! That wolf has to be an animagous! Animagous are part of aidans clan!

Seeing that the elf raised a knife to the throat of the wolf, I quickly flew towards it. With one kick of my foot, I made the elf fly a few feet away. Drawing my sword, I slashed the others throat. Looking back at the other elf I saw that he was already gone. Fuck! Oh well, let's just hope the wolf is okay.

Walking over to the wolf, he whimpered away still in his wolf form. He looked awful. He was way to skinny, had slash marks everywhere, and clumps of hair were missing. What happened to him? Holding my hand out for him, He went to bite it.

"Hey don't worry, I'm not gonna hurt you. I just wanna see your wounds so I can heal them" I softly said trying not to fright him, he was still tense, but he luckily let me treat his wounds. Shit Some of these cuts are deep, they need stitches. I did heal the smaller cuts with my power, and tried to heal as much as I could from the bigger ones.

"There you go, some of them need stitches. I'll take you to Aidan so he can take a proper look" after I said aidans name the wolf started whimpering loudly. "It's okay, he's not gonna hurt you. Why would he hurt somebody of his clan?" The wolf looked away, and I even saw some tears streaming down his snout.

"Can you turn back into a human? It's easier to Carry you" I asked him. He thought for a moment, before his body started to slowly break and turn into his human form. That cracking sound is gonna haunt my dreams.

"Oh you're naked!" I flinched, throwing him my cloak. In front of me was a boy no less then 10 years old. Like his wolf form he was way to skinny, and had cuts everywhere. He wrapped himself up in my cloak, shivering from the cold.

"Hi, uhm, I'm anisa and you are?" I asked him, while crouching down in front of him.

"I'm troy" he said with a hoarse voice. Making a cup out of ice, I filled it up with water, handing it to troy. He quickly took the cup, gulping it down within seconds. "Thank you" he said with a satisfied sigh.

"So troy, what were you doing here?" I asked him.

"I-I can't say! If they hear I'm dead!" He whimpered.

"Hey, nobody is gonna kill you. I'll make sure of that" I said, gently pulling him into a hug. He latched his arms around my waist, while he sobbed.

"I-I wanna go to my brother" he cried.

"Where is your brother?" I asked him. He pointed to the woods behind him, and I froze. I don't think that's within the borders of hell. If he lives there that must mean... "troy, what are you?"

"Please don't kill me. I just wanna go to my brother" he cried. Gently taking his wrist, I froze when I saw the mark on his wrist. It wasn't black like mine, but it was white.

He's part of the angel clan.

Gently pushing him away, I started walking the other way. I'm not getting involved with angels.   That gives the guys more reason to keep me inside the castle

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