Chapter 13: sleepover (edit)

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Anisa POV:

Walking with max to the living room, I found out that I was in the wrong corridor previously. But like how is that my fault? all the flipping hall ways look the same. I blame the architects.

Max opened the door when we finally arrived at the living room. Stepping inside I'm immediately tackled into a hug by not one, but two guys. I think you can already guess who. Yup Damian and Aki, no surprise in that.

"You're finally here!" Aki said while hugging me closer.

"My baby arrived" Damian said while nuzzling his face in the crook of my neck. "Mmmm your perfume smells good, which one is it?"

" britney bitch"

"Ah see a woman of culture. How much more of a wifey material can you be?" Damian said dramatically. I just shrugged at this statement.

"Okay guys let her breath. Come sit anisa" Jacob said from the couch.

Aki and Damian Finally let me go, but not without a pout from both of them. Gosh they are like toddlers, I mentally facepalmed. Sitting on the couch I hear those little steps again. Not even a minute later Cooper jumped on my lap. This made all the guys tense up.

"Fuck, anisa calm down don't make any sudden movements!" Aidan said in a panic.

"God fuck Max! didn't we tell you to lock your fucking dog up cause anisa is coming?!?" Jacob said while raising his voice.

"NO, not my Waifu you stupid fucking mut!" I think you can guess who said this.

Looking around I see Aidan trying to find a plan to get cooper of off me. Jacob yelling at max for being "stupid", even though it was my fault cooper got lose. Damian trying to distract cooper into getting off of me. And Aki is at the verge of tears.

Rolling my eyes at the guys I just start to pet cooper. This made cooper lay his head on my lap so I can pet his head some more.

"HOW" all the guys yelled in unison. Well all except max cause he knows cooper won't do anything. I just shrugged at the guys, max doing the same.

"Dog whisperer" I whispers at the guys which made max roll his eyes at me.

"Anywho I know this is Max's dog, so do you guys got any pets?" I said with excitement.

"Yes we all do, only Aidan and Aki got cats instead of dogs" this just made me squeal. More pets to pet and cuddle!!!! After begging the guys to show me the rest of their pets they finally agreed.

"Well then I'll go first, MOZART COME HERE BOY!" Damian yelled from the doorway. After a minute I hear these heavy footsteps running down the staircase. Damian opened the door some more and a big Sint-Bernard dog runs in, drooling all over the place.

 Damian opened the door some more and a big Sint-Bernard dog runs in, drooling all over the place

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Squealing again at the side of a new dog. I walk up to the dog to give him some pets. Even though he is drooling like crazy I can't help but to cuddle him. when I was a kid I always wanted this type of dog. Until I realized how much they drool that is.

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